Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.
Step 1 - Bootstrap wrote:Note: The versioning scheme used is that each fullstop separates a full number, i.e. binutils 2.20.0 is newer than 2.9.0. This may be confusing, if you have not encountered this (quite common) versioning scheme yet, when looking at an alphanumerically sorted list of tarballs: The file at the bottom of the list is not the latest version!
Finally, I got my cross compiler built correctly and booted my first kernel using GRUB.
I ended up using bibutils-2.20 and gcc-4.5.1. I also installed all the other packages recommended on the Cross comiler tutorial on osdev, then just followed the bare bones tutorial using my shiny new cross compiler.
Sorry for the slightly redundant post, and thanks for your help, i'll be back.