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stlport for your c++ kernel

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:56 pm
by 18kyongjian
stlport for your c++ kernel

the source code is from stlport-4.6.2, and take reference 'mona' os,
and it's run well in my c++ kernel.

download and tar 2 you kernel dir: ... 092828.bz2

need for stlport: include/_stlport.h
function in the file need implement, such as 'strcpy, memcpy, malloc, free',
and you *MUST* use stlport after memory managerment init.

test code in kernel:

Code: Select all

#include <include/common.h>
#include <drivers/char/vga.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void do_test()
 typedef vector<int> DataList;
 DataList list;
 printk_color(TEXT_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "stlport test: list size is %d, data is ", list.size());

 for (DataList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) {
  printk_color(TEXT_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "%d, ", *it);
 printk_color(TEXT_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "\n");

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Re: stlport for your c++ kernel

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:56 am
by JamesM
Very nice! My kernel is currently using glibc + libstdc++ - very interesting that you've got stlport to compile bare metal.

Was your patch large? or did it compile out of the box? And what are its libc dependencies?



Re: stlport for your c++ kernel

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:59 am
by 18kyongjian
hi, jamesM. i download the stlport-4.6.2, do very little modify, can use winmerge see difference.

the source file not need compile alone, just #include <list, map, ..> in cpp source file,,, add -I./stlport to CFLAGS,
nearly no increase of the kernel file size.

about 15 function need implement(no need libc):
strcpy, strncpy, strcat, strlen, strchr, strrchr, strncat, strcmp, strncmp, memmove, memset, memcpy, memcmp, malloc, free.
this function defined in "include/_stlport.h", this file should in the kernel include directory, and implement them in kernel.

Cheers :wink: