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How to Use a linux kernel to develop my own os ?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:35 pm
by sreejan
Could anyone tell me that how could i use a preexisting linux kernel to develop my own operating system .
Also how could the grub and the kernel are all linked ....
please guide me with these stuffs !!!!1

Re: How to Use a linux kernel to develop my own os ?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:52 pm
by Combuster
Hi and welcome to these forums. Please take care to read the forum rules, the wiki, and the guide on getting good answers. Almost everything to get started is covered between these.

If I interpreted the question correctly, you should specifically check - if that isn't what you wanted, read the aforementioned resources, and then elaborate on your actual intentions.

Re: How to Use a linux kernel to develop my own os ?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:01 pm
by sreejan
@combuster :thanxxx but could help me with the internal details that what basically i will have to do in order to use a linux kernel.....

Re: How to Use a linux kernel to develop my own os ?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:03 pm
by Combuster
Combuster wrote:Hi and welcome to these forums. Please take care to read the forum rules, the wiki, and the guide on getting good answers. Almost everything to get started is covered between these.
I doubt you could've read that all in the time since my reply. The forum rules are not a joke (and if you read them, you'd know you're violating them). Please, do not force us to remind you.

Re: How to Use a linux kernel to develop my own os ?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:54 pm
by eugene2k
Not sure what you mean. If you're asking how to develop a userspace on top of the linux kernel, then you should probably have a look at Linux From Scratch project and Gustavo Duarte's post here: ... ot-process and also google for "kernel boot process".

Re: How to Use a linux kernel to develop my own os ?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:39 am
by skyking
This really depends on what you're trying to do...

If you're planning to use linux as the kernel for your OS you need to study the linux manual. If you're using grub or lilo you can via command line arguments specify which partition to use as root fs and which (statically linked) executable to use as init process.

If you're planning to develop under a common linux distro and run your userspace under the same linux you have to write a simulator for your low-level API (which should be drop-in replacement lib for your native API lib). How easy/hard this is depends on your low-level API is designed, but once it is done the rest should be quite straight forward. Be aware though that you may get integration problems with your own kernel if you don't plan this out properly...