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Unable to read floppy sector with bochs,

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:56 am
by tushs
Hi I am trying to read a sector from floppy drive bochs set up but somehow its is not working bellow is the code , kindly help m to figure out problem,

Code: Select all

ORG 0x7C00
	; clear screen
	mov ax, 0x9100
	mov ss, ax
	mov sp, 0x9000

	mov ah,0	
	mov al,0x03	; 0x13 set mode vga 256 color 0x03 80*25 16 color
	int 0x10 

	xor ax,ax 	; set ax zero
	mov ds,ax	; initilize data segment register
	mov es,ax
	mov ah,0x02
	mov al,0x01
	mov ch,0x00
	mov cl,0x02
	mov dh,0x00
	mov dl,0x00
	mov bx,0x7e00

	int 0x13
	jc read_sector

	mov si, msg
	call print_str

	mov si,0x7e00
	call print_str
	jmp hang

	mov si,msg_err
	call print_str
	jmp hang

	lodsb 	; this will load a byte from DS : SI to al
	or al,al ; this will set zero flag if output of or is zero
	jz print_str_out	; jump if zero
	mov ah,0x0E		; print char
	mov bx,0x007	; color 
	int 0x10		; call bios
	jmp print_str

; Memory Data
	msg db 'Read Sector',0
	msg_err db 'Read Error',0
; Size should not be greater then 510 bytes
size equ $ - entry
%if size+2 > 512
	%error "Code is greater then 512" 
times 510-($-$$) db 0	; Note that this does not handle -ve error condition
	dw 0AA55h
my bochs file has a line

Code: Select all

floppya: 1_44=boot.bin, status=inserted
I am able to display message and play with int 10h but I am not able to read sector and displaying it on screen.

Re: Unable to read floppy sector with bochs,

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:38 am
by Code0x58
You shouldn't change DL (drive number) as that is already set for you by the BIOS before it jumps to your loader, you can probably get away with having AL as 0x11 as well to read the remaining 17 sectors of the track.

Re: Unable to read floppy sector with bochs,

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:25 pm
by bewing
Does it print your error message, or your regular message? How do you know it is not working?

Re: Unable to read floppy sector with bochs,

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:39 pm
by Code0x58
my guess is that it doesn't print anything as it gets stuck at

Code: Select all

       int 0x13
       jc read_sector
It's never going to print an error message as there isn't any way to get to it, if it were to print the normal message then it would be all right if not a little dodgy because of DL being changed - unless you appended something to the end of that boot sector such as some text the print_str 0x7e00 won't display anything because it would still be zeroed memory as far as I am aware.

Re: Unable to read floppy sector with bochs,

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:30 am
by tushs
Thank all of you for reply,
I had updated code with following changes
1. comment out mov dl,0x00
2. Added print if read error
3. added prints after successful read sector.
4. added print after display buffer.

I got output as,
"Read Sector Read Sector "
This indicates that sector read is successful, code is not in "hang" loop but still I am not able to get correct buffer at 0x7e00, es 0x00 #-o . Following is updated code.

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x7C00]
	; clear screen
	mov ax, 0x9100
	mov ss, ax
	mov sp, 0x9000

	mov ah,0	
	mov al,0x03	; 0x13 set mode vga 256 color 0x03 80*25 16 color
	int 0x10 

	xor ax,ax 	; set ax zero
	mov ds,ax	; initilize data segment register
	mov es,ax	; set es to zero
	mov ch,0x00
	mov cl,0x02
	mov dh,0x00
;	mov dl,0x00		; Let dl be same which is set by BIOS

	mov ah,0x02		; on error ah al bx, will be used so reset it
	mov al,0x11		
	mov bx,0x7e00

	int 0x13
	jc read_error

	mov si, msg
	call print_str		; Print Message after successful read

	mov si,0x7e00
	call print_str		; Now display buffer

	mov si, msg
	call print_str		; Print same message after display buffer

	jmp hang

	mov si,msg_err
	call print_str
	mov ah,0x00		; Reset Disk
	int 0x13
	jmp read_sector
	jmp hang

	lodsb 	; this will load a byte from DS : SI to al
	or al,al ; this will set zero flag if output of or is zero
	jz print_str_out	; jump if zero
	mov ah,0x0E		; print char
	mov bx,0x007	; color 
	int 0x10		; call bios
	jmp print_str

; Memory Data
	msg db 'Read Sector ',0
	msg_err db 'Read Error ',0
; Size should not be greater then 510 bytes
size equ $ - entry
%if size+2 > 512
	%error "Code is greater then 512" 
times 510-($-$$) db 0	; Note that this does not handle -ve error condition
	dw 0AA55h

; Output of This code is 
;=>  Read Sector Read Sector 

Re: Unable to read floppy sector with bochs,

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:11 am
by tushs
This is latest update :D same code is working on VMware and it is not working with boshs.... I prefer to use linux, can any one tell me why bochs is not working ....

Re: Unable to read floppy sector with bochs,

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:16 am
by Code0x58
tushs wrote:I got output as,
"Read Sector Read Sector "
This indicates that sector read is successful, code is not in "hang" loop but still I am not able to get correct buffer at 0x7e00, es 0x00 #-o .
Unless you aren't showing us some of what you are doing such as appending a text file to your boot sector that's all you will get, what would it have to read in otherwise? I tested the code with text on the end and it worked: all I did was stick something along the lines of db "if this is printed we have read sector 2!", this string would end up at the start of the next sector because of the times statement above makes sure that everything up to the 0xaa55 is in sector 1 and anything after is in sector 2. As a side note you don't completely need the error with the if, the times statement throws an error if it is given a negative count.

Re: Unable to read floppy sector with bochs,

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:46 am
by tushs
I got problem my bochs rc was incorrect. Anyway thank u all for help.