Grub2 El-Torito CD
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:01 pm
I'm trying to make a Grub2 El-Torito CD, the first thing I do is copy all the files I use from grub (cdboot.img, modules) into ./Image/iso9660/boot/grub (I don't know if this is required, but...)
Then I make an image of Grub with
I then create the padding file so cdboot.img + core.img + padding = 1.44mb (Otherwise mkisofs complains)
I combine cdboot.img, core.img, and padding
Finally, I make the iso with
When I pop it in an emulator, it says
What am I doing wrong?
Then I make an image of Grub with
Code: Select all
grub-mkimage --prefix=/boot --config=./Image/iso9660/boot/grub/grub.cfg --output=./Image/iso9660/boot/grub/core.img biosdisk iso9660 multiboot sh
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dd if=/dev/zero of=./Image/iso9660/boot/grub/padding bs=1 count=$(shell expr 1474560 - $(shell stat --format=%s ./Image/iso9660/boot/grub/cdboot.img) - $(shell stat --format=%s ./Image/iso9660/boot/grub/core.img))
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cat ./Image/iso9660/boot/grub/cdboot.img ./Image/iso9660/boot/grub/core.img ./Image/iso9660/boot/grub/padding > ./Image/iso9660/eltorito.img
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mkisofs -eltorito-boot eltorito.img -input-charset utf-8 -output ./Image/CdImage.iso ./Image/iso9660
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Booting from CD-ROM...
3MB medium detected
no boot info