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Getting started with El Torito

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:35 am
by jasonc122

I've read the wiki and specification regarding El Torito and had a go at putting it all together without much luck. Trouble is I haven't the time to mess with implementing this specification.

Has anyone got a running example (in nasm or whatever) that can execute a boot image according to the El Torito spec?

Like I said, I had a go myself without much luck. The attached file is an attempt at creating an El Torito image. However when running it in qemu I get "0MB Medium Detected". i.e. nasm boot.s, qemu -cdrom boot


Re: Getting started with El Torito

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:11 am
by Combuster
You are saying a lot of different things. Are you
1) trying to create a El-torito image? Use mkisofs/genisoimage
2) trying to boot a El-torito image? It's the BIOS' job to do that.
3) trying to write a bootsector to be started with El-torito? using grub or a floppy bootsector is much easier.
4) short on time? That's too bad, we don't do your homework, and there are no shortcuts in OS development.

Re: Getting started with El Torito

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:40 pm
by jasonc122
Combuster wrote:are saying a lot of different things. Are you
1) trying to create a El-torito image? Use mkisofs/genisoimage
2) trying to boot a El-torito image? It's the BIOS' job to do that.
3) trying to write a bootsector to be started with El-torito? using grub or a floppy bootsector is much easier.
4) short on time? That's too bad, we don't do your homework, and there are no shortcuts in OS development.
Sorry for the confusion.

I'm trying option 3 - aiming to write a boot sector to be started with El Torito without using GRUB. How do I go about this?

Do I use mkisofs and pass it my boot sector?


Re: Getting started with El Torito

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:48 pm
by StephanvanSchaik
This sample should get you started: ... tion_Table

Stephan J.R. van Schaik.