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How to use 40 Gb harddisk through BIOS?  

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:00 am
by sysprogrammer
   How to use harddisk of 40 GB through BIOS.Interuupt 13 service 2 (read  sectors)have 10 bits to use for traks ,6 bits for sectors and 8 bits for heads.So it can only access 8 GB (almost)harddisk space .How i can use 40 GB harddisk through BIOS?

RE:How to use 40 Gb harddisk through BIOS?  

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:00 am
by Grozilla
Try service 42h... you should read about 13h extension...

RE:How to use 40 Gb harddisk through BIOS?  

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 12:00 am
by dumbass101
First of all, get a fuckin, 40 gig hd
Second, make sure it's in the right drive
U R a Fucking Moron who should try harder to learn to tie his shoes than ask stupid @$$ questions.

RE:How to use 40 Gb harddisk through BIOS?  

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 12:00 am
by TripleFault
Dumbass101...You really are a Dumbass.  He's just asking a question and trying to learn.

Oh and..."Make sure it's in the right drive"?
Maybe you should learn what a drive is before you go trash-talking other people.

And finally...My answer to the question:
You have to first make sure that your BIOS supports hard drives over a certain size (many older ones limit the HD to 528MB, 2.1GB or 8.4GB) and then, if it does, use it's Extended BIOS functions.  I'm not exactly sure which one to use but this site should help you out a little: ... rives.html
~ TripleFault !)

RE:How to use 40 Gb harddisk through BIOS?  

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:00 am
by sysprogrammer
Thankyou ,  you stupid donkey + looney + drainline