Problem Loading Kernel To 0x100000
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 1:36 pm
Bochs will not let me load my kernel to 0x100000 (1MB) in memory. Here is the code:
As a result, Boch's repeatedlt triple faults with this dump:
The line of interest is:
Because if I simply change the kernel loading function to load the kernel to 0x9000 instead of 0x100000, like so:
Then everything executes fine and there is no bochs read/write/virtual checks error or triple fault there is no triple fault.
I know what causes the error, but not why it causes the error...
Help appreciated,
Code: Select all
%define BLS2
%include ""
[BITS 16]
global BLS2_MAIN
; disable interrupts
; setup the stack (will call procedures)
mov ax,0x0000
mov ss,ax
mov esp,0x00007E00
; setup data segment
mov ax,0x0000
mov ds,ax
; enable A20 line
call A20_ENABLE
; load kernel
; load GDT
lgdt [BL2_LOC(GDT_DESC)]
; enter protected mode
mov eax,cr0
or eax,0x01
mov cr0,eax
jmp DWORD 0x0008:0x00100000
global K_LOADER
mov dl,0x00
mov dh,0x00
mov cl,0x0B
mov ch,0x00
mov al,0x01
mov ah,0x02
mov bx,0x0010
mov es,bx
mov bx,0x0000
int 0x13
global A20_ENABLE
call A20_PROBE
mov al,0xAD
out 0x64,al
call A20_PROBE
mov al,0xD0
out 0x64,al
call A20_PROBE2
in al,0x60
push eax
call A20_PROBE
mov al,0xD1
out 0x64,al
call A20_PROBE
pop eax
or al,2
out 0x60,al
call A20_PROBE
mov al,0xAE
out 0x64,al
call A20_PROBE
in al,0x64
test al,2
jnz A20_PROBE
in al,0x64
test al,1
jz A20_PROBE2
global GDT_TABLE
; null entry
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
; kernel code segment (offset = 0x0008)
db 11111111b
db 11111111b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 10011010b
db 11001111b
db 00000000b
; kernel data segment (offset = 0x0010)
db 11111111b
db 11111111b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 10010010b
db 11001111b
db 00000000b
global GDT_DESC
size dw ((GDT_DESC - GDT_TABLE) - 1)
; pad to 4.5 Kb
times (0x1200 - ($ - BLS2_MAIN)) db 0x00
Code: Select all
00004629754i[BIOS ] Booting from 0000:7c00
00004748562e[CPU0 ] write_virtual_checks(): write beyond limit, r/w
00004748562i[CPU0 ] CPU is in protected mode (active)
00004748562i[CPU0 ] CS.d_b = 32 bit
00004748562i[CPU0 ] SS.d_b = 16 bit
00004748562i[CPU0 ] EFER = 0x00000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | RAX=0000000060000011 RBX=0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | RCX=000000000000000b RDX=0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | RSP=0000000000007e00 RBP=0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | RSI=00000000ffff0000 RDI=000000000008ffac
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | R8=0000000000000000 R9=0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | R10=0000000000000000 R11=0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | R12=0000000000000000 R13=0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | R14=0000000000000000 R15=0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | IOPL=0 id vip vif ac vm RF nt of df if tf sf zf af PF cf
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | SEG selector base limit G D
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | SEG sltr(index|ti|rpl) base limit G D
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | CS:0008( 0001| 0| 0) 00000000 000fffff 1 1
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | DS:0000( 0005| 0| 0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | SS:0000( 0005| 0| 0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | ES:0010( 0005| 0| 0) 00000100 0000ffff 0 0
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | FS:0000( 0005| 0| 0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | GS:0000( 0005| 0| 0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | MSR_FS_BASE:0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | MSR_GS_BASE:0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | RIP=0000000000100000 (0000000000100000)
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | CR0=0x60000011 CR1=0x0 CR2=0x0000000000000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] | CR3=0x00000000 CR4=0x00000000
00004748562i[CPU0 ] >> add byte ptr ds:[eax], al : 0000
00004748562e[CPU0 ] exception(): 3rd (13) exception with no resolution, shutdown status is 00h, resetting
00004748562i[SYS ] bx_pc_system_c::Reset(SOFTWARE) called
00004748562i[CPU0 ] cpu software reset
Code: Select all
00004748562e[CPU0 ] write_virtual_checks(): write beyond limit, r/w
Code: Select all
global K_LOADER
mov dl,0x00
mov dh,0x00
mov cl,0x0B
mov ch,0x00
mov al,0x01
mov ah,0x02
mov bx,0x0000;0x0010
mov es,bx
mov bx,0x9000;0x0000
int 0x13
I know what causes the error, but not why it causes the error...
Help appreciated,