Double Fault Interrupt
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:47 am
these are my verry first steps of os developement. i strugle with the gdt, idt and pic setup.
what i tried to do was a setup in the following order
the strange thing is that i can call each interrupt via "asm volatile ("int $0x2");" but i don't get any hardware interrupts e.g. the keyboard. so i looked in the tuts and found that i've to call "asm volatile("sti");" but if i add this line below "pic_init();" i recieve a int 8 with i linked with the string "double fault"
the problem is i don't know where the error is and hope somebody can help me to get around this problem
sorry for my horrible english
these are my verry first steps of os developement. i strugle with the gdt, idt and pic setup.
what i tried to do was a setup in the following order
Code: Select all
int main(){
the problem is i don't know where the error is and hope somebody can help me to get around this problem
sorry for my horrible english