Bochs problem
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:31 am
Configuration file
The error# You many now use double quotes around pathnames, in case
# your pathname includes spaces.
romimage: file=BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xf0000
vgaromimage: VGABIOS-elpin-2.40
megs: 32
floppya: 1_44="/home/payn3/Desktop/Proiecte/ASM/a.img", status=inserted
boot: a
log: bochsout.txt
panic: action=ask
error: action=report
info: action=report
debug: action=ignore
vga_update_interval: 300000
keyboard_serial_delay: 250
keyboard_paste_delay: 100000
floppy_command_delay: 500
ips: 1000000
mouse: enabled=0
private_colormap: enabled=0
fullscreen: enabled=0
screenmode: name="sample"
keyboard_mapping: enabled=0, map=
#keyboard_type: at
Please choose one: [6] 6
00000000000i[ ] lt_dlhandle is (nil)
00000000000p[ ] >>PANIC<< dlopen failed for module 'x': file not found
Event type: PANIC
Device: [ ]
Message: dlopen failed for module 'x': file not found
A PANIC has occurred. Do you want to:
cont - continue execution
alwayscont - continue execution, and don't ask again.
This affects only PANIC events from device [ ]
die - stop execution now
abort - dump core
debug - hand control to gdb