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Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:22 am
by Owen
How effective are the Spamhaus blocklists on the forum? I know first hand how useful they are for E-Mail, which they're designed for, but on a forum?
The reason I ask is because twice now I've tried to make a posting from my phone and failed because 12 hours ago somebody was spamming from my IP. It's incredibly annoying after spending 5-10 minutes writing out a message.
So, please, are they really that effective or can we disable them? Alternatively, perhaps only apply them to users less than a month old or with less than a certain number of posts?
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:26 am
by JamesM
Selective spamhaus blocking is impossible: as Chase has mentioned before unfortunately the spamhaus system blocks IPs even before the phpBB software sees the connection.
Disabling is something I have no clue about, so shall keep schtum.
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:23 am
by quanganht
Don't use Spamhaus on the forums. It's so annoying.
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:59 pm
by JamesM
quanganht wrote:Don't use Spamhaus on the forums. It's so annoying.
Less annoying than a shitload of spam. YMMV.
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:07 pm
by Love4Boobies
Still, sometimes people are blocked for no good reason.
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:32 am
by Combuster
People/ISPs should stop using dynamic IP addresses. It solves a lot of mistaken identity problems and abuse alike.
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:45 am
by Owen
Combuster wrote:People/ISPs should stop using dynamic IP addresses. It solves a lot of mistaken identity problems and abuse alike.
Don't expect the phone providers to do that any time soon: 99% of their phones only connect to the internet for 1-2 minutes at a time. The number of IPs they have is nowhere near the amount of customers
(And all the UK phone operators recently revealed "We don't have a clue who used what IP address at what time" as well. Their internet profit margins are *tiny*. They quite simply cant' afford the IP addresses)
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:23 pm
by Solar
Actually, I am pretty sure that without dynamic IP's our current IP system (IPv4) would have already collapsed. 2^32 IP addresses might sound much, but when you have to pass out blocks at a time to providers (for routing purposes), and with the number of IP-enabled devices out there already (PCs, cell phones, ...), it gets difficult.
And I am not sure if even IPv6 will solve this particular problem. For one, faking an IP is not that difficult...
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:55 pm
by JAAman
think... 7 billion people, times 2 computers (minimum -- one home, and one at work), plus 1 (sometimes 2) cell phones, plus all the routers, servers, reserved blocks of addresses... i think we are probably using around 20-30 billion ip addresses... and there are only 4 billion to begin with!
dynamic addresses arent the only problem, since some isps are using NAT translation to give the same address to multiple customers simultaneously, and almost all homes/businesses/schools share a single 1 or 2 addresses amongst a large number of computers (iirc, this forum has banned entire schools before, in an attempt to eliminate a single troublesome person or spammer)
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:30 am
by Owen
Solar wrote:Actually, I am pretty sure that without dynamic IP's our current IP system (IPv4) would have already collapsed. 2^32 IP addresses might sound much, but when you have to pass out blocks at a time to providers (for routing purposes), and with the number of IP-enabled devices out there already (PCs, cell phones, ...), it gets difficult.
And I am not sure if even IPv6 will solve this particular problem. For one, faking an IP is not that difficult...
End users will be getting /64s or /48s, most likely, but statically assigned to a customer. Probably the case for mobile devices will be different
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:37 pm
by js
JamesM wrote:Selective spamhaus blocking is impossible: as Chase has mentioned before unfortunately the spamhaus system blocks IPs even before the phpBB software sees the connection.
I'm getting blocked too, quite annoying... I get the "your ip is blocked" only when I've finished typing a message and I click "send" or "preview". So IPs aren't blocked before they reach phpbb.
I have to use a proxy each time I want to post... My IP is a shared connection for our whole "university-apartments-for-studients" (dunno how to say *that* in english...), and we only have outbound port 80 and 443. So I guess either our internet gateway is getting compromised (I'll see if I can warn the administrators about that), either the ip is getting faked.
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:24 am
by Firestryke31
js wrote:"university-apartments-for-studients" (dunno how to say *that* in english...)
[OT ] I believe the "technical" term for that is "dorms." If not, it's probably pretty close.[/OT]
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:57 am
by JamesM
Firestryke31 wrote:js wrote:"university-apartments-for-studients" (dunno how to say *that* in english...)
[OT ] I believe the "technical" term for that is "dorms." If not, it's probably pretty close.[/OT]
or "halls", in British English (from the term "Halls of Residence").
Re: Spamhaus blocklists
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:16 pm
by FlashBurn
The only thing I can say, this is like if you have to proof that you are not guilty and not like it is in a democracy. I just got blacklisted only because I now have an IP which was blacklisted over 3 days ago?! I mean here in Germany you get disconnected after 24h so why should one blacklist an ip for over 3days?