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newbie questions

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:00 pm
by Ateneo
Im newbie to os dev and ill preciate some advice to start making an os. I know assembly IA-32 and C, i have been programming and emulator for the 8 bit 6502 processor, i know some protected mode issues and real mode (of course). I know more or less how the PC boots up and some things of parallel ata hd.
Also if you can recommend me some books in this field i'll preciate it.

Thanks in advance.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:00 pm
by zertsekel
You can start from this.
1. Understanding the Linux Kernel
2. Operating System Concepts, 6th Edition

Use emule to find and download this books in PDF format.

Re: newbie questions

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:00 pm
by bubach
Start by making a simple bootsector that writes "MyOS 0.1" or something, after that simply load a couple of secors after the bootsector (don't care about the filsesystem yet), and maybe enter pmode in the bootsector aswell.

Good tutorials for this can be found at:
(gregor brunmar and xosdev)

When you have the kernel loaded, start out by writing a couple of screen functions to scroll, print and move cursor.

That should keep you busy for a while.. ;)

/ Christoffer