Porting Mono Article

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Porting Mono Article

Post by pcmattman »

I've started work on a Porting Mono article.

I plan to add to it as I develop my own port (and eventually get it running :) ). If anyone else has actually successfully ported it, by all means go ahead and update the article!
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Re: Porting Mono Article

Post by AndrewAPrice »

pcmattman wrote:I've started work on a Porting Mono article.

I plan to add to it as I develop my own port (and eventually get it running :) ). If anyone else has actually successfully ported it, by all means go ahead and update the article!
That's awesome! I'll be keeping an eye on it. I'm in the process of restarting my OS (writing a technical document) - yet I won't begin coding because I have a few other projects in the works.

My idea is to have the system (user-space apps and servers) portable across architectures, and Mono/.Net would open up a wide array of languages!
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Re: Porting Mono Article

Post by computafreak »

That's going to be really useful. In the far future, when I'm more competant and my OS is further developed, that'll be really useful. I prefer programming in C#, and this will definitely be helpful. Thanks :)
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