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A question about paging

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:23 pm
by sevobal
Hey everyone,
I've a little question about Paging. After booting my kernel the physical adresses 0-10 MB are direct mapped to the virtual adresses 0-10 MB. So far there is no problem. If a program now tries to access an address above the 10 MB limit the CPU fires up a page fault exception and my kernel has to handle it. Now I should map the required address for the program, but how can I dected which address was requested by the program. I could guess the CPU is telling me the address when the exception fires up, but where?
I hope you can help me a little.


Re: A question about paging

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:13 pm
by Combuster
Intel 3A.5 chapter 12 verse 14