Page faulting when it really shouldn't
Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:55 pm
Having just fixed my last issue with move_stack, I now find myself with another. The code is below:
Despite having allocated space (and made it world-readable and -writable) in the first loop, I get a page fault on the memcpy instruction, which indicates that I'm trying to write read-only memory. Huh? Details: The parameter new_stack_start is passed as 0xe0000000, the page fault occurs at 0xdfffff74. This should be well within the memory mapped for it.
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void move_stack(void *new_stack_start, u32int size) {
u32int i;
// Allocate space
for (i = (u32int) new_stack_start; i >= ((u32int) new_stack_start - size); i -= 0x1000) {
alloc_frame(get_page(i, 1, current_directory), 0, 1);
// Flush TLB (?)
u32int pd_addr;
asm volatile ("mov %%cr3, %0" : "=r" (pd_addr));
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%cr3" : : "r" (pd_addr));
// Get the old stack/base pointers
u32int old_esp, old_ebp;
asm volatile ("mov %%esp, %0" : "=r" (old_esp));
asm volatile ("mov %%ebp, %0" : "=r" (old_ebp));
// Get stack offset
u32int off = (u32int) new_stack_start - initial_esp;
// New stack/base pointers
u32int new_esp = old_esp + off;
u32int new_ebp = old_ebp + off;
memcpy((void *) new_esp, (void *) old_esp, initial_esp - old_esp); // here it faults
/* Here we have to look for pushed EBP values to change them to point to the new stack.
This algorithm assumes that any value that points into the old stack is a pushed EBP,
meaning that it'll mess up any local variables or function parameters that are in
that range.
for (i = (u32int) new_stack_start; i > ((u32int) new_stack_start - size); i -= 4) {
u32int tmp = *(u32int*)i;
if ((old_esp < tmp) && (tmp < initial_esp)) {
tmp += off;
u32int *tmp2 = (u32int *)i;
*tmp2 = tmp;
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%esp" : : "r" (new_esp));
asm volatile ("mov %0, %%ebp" : : "r" (new_ebp));