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how to get a better result for context swtich test in linux

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:09 am
by yangleifage
Hi all,

I want to do the context swtich testing for my linux os with lmbench( lat_ctx.c),you know if I run lat_ctx -s 2 2 directly, it may get a bad result for the testing, how to do some setting for my os to get a good result.

I have do some try.

1, boot the os with init=/bin/sh

2. don't use the nfs rootfs boot

Is there other seting for it, do I need to disable some interrupt, what I do.


Re: how to get a better result for context swtich test in linux

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:15 am
by kop99
yangleifage, here isn't linux forum.
There are tons of other linux forum. Google for them.