preemptie multitasking task switch
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:37 pm
Hi all, ive been having a problem with my multitasking system at the time of using the stack and making the context switch. I am using the same GDT for all processes to keep it simple, very basic memory, etc. Thast why i dont backup CS DS ES GS etc.
For some reason its not working, i get all the way to iret, but its not calling my procedure that i wanna schedule.
here i initialize the stack and put "garbage" so that when the stack is used for the first time it has useful data
this is the interruption routine called by IRQ0 PIT
Here i schedule the current process
For some reason its not working, i get all the way to iret, but its not calling my procedure that i wanna schedule.
here i initialize the stack and put "garbage" so that when the stack is used for the first time it has useful data
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void run()
//set a new stack, why cant i use 0x00100000?
procesos[indicePCB].ebpBackup = 0x000E0000;//malloc1MB();
//should they both be the same value?
procesos[indicePCB].espBackup = procesos[indicePCB].ebpBackup;
//i do a backup of the current stack
__asm__ ("mov eax, ebp" : "=a" (tempSS) :);
__asm__ ("mov eax, esp" : "=a" (tempSP) :);
//set the stack to run
__asm__ ( "mov ebp, eax" : : "a"(procesos[indicePCB].ebpBackup));
__asm__ ( "mov esp, eax" : : "a"(procesos[indicePCB].espBackup));
//push proc to call when program ends
__asm__ ( "push eax" : : "a"(&punteroEndProgram)); //
//program to call
__asm__ ( "push eax" : : "a"(&vectorProgramas[indice]));
//save registries with gargabe to pop out the 1st time, same with flags
__asm__ ( "pusha" ); //registros
__asm__ ( "pushf" ); //banderas
//put the call irq0 cont after an interrupt
__asm__ ( "push eax" : : "a"(&irq0Cont)); //
//update esp
__asm__ ("mov eax, esp" : "=a" (procesos[indicePCB].espBackup) :);
//print(" PRUEBA ");
//restore old stack
__asm__ ( "mov ebp, eax" : : "a"(tempSS) );
__asm__ ( "mov esp, eax" : : "a"(tempSP) );
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call _schedule
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void schedule ()
print("\n IRQ_0 INI ");
if (procesoActual == ultimoProceso)
procesoActual = primerProceso;
if (procesoActual >= 5)
procesoActual = 0;
//allow interrupts later on from PIT
out(0x20, 0x20);
//load EBP and ESP
__asm__ ( "mov ebp, eax" : : "a"(procesos[colaEnteros[procesoActual]].ebpBackup));
__asm__ ( "mov esp, eax" : : "a"(procesos[colaEnteros[procesoActual]].espBackup));
__asm__("push ebp");
__asm__("mov ebp, esp");
print("\n IRQ_0 END ");