I'm working an a project of an OS, but gotten stuck with the bootsector code.
Problem: Bootsector fails to load 2nd stage loader.
It's designed for NTFS partitions, it's supposed to load some number of sectors immediately following it on the partition. But Int13h AH=42h returns AH=1 with CF set. Couldn't figure out why so far.
Here's the code that fails:
Code: Select all
;* bootldr.asm *
;* NTFS-specific *
;* Bootsector is supposed to start with EB 52 *
org 7C54h
;NTFS Bootsector Structures
[section .bpb]
absolute 7C1Ch
BPB_HiddSec resd 1
absolute 7C28h
ExtBPB_TotalSectors resq 1
ExtBPB_$MFTCluster resq 1
ExtBPB_$MFTMirrCluster resq 1
ExtBPB_FileRecordSize resd 1
ExtBPB_IndexBlockSize resd 1
ExtBPB_SerialNumber resq 1
ExtBPP_Checksum resd 1
;My bootsector code
[section .code align=2]
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ss,ax
mov sp,7C00h
push first_message
call print_string
push word (bootldr_end - sector1)/512 + 1 ;evaluates to 1
push word sector1 ;offset
push ds ;segment
push dword [BPB_HiddSec] ;LBA
call load_sectors
jmp sector1
;* Realmode Int13h AH=42h sector loading routine *
push bp
mov bp,sp
%define lba (bp+4)
%define seg (bp+8)
%define ofs (bp+10)
%define nsect (bp+12)
push dword 0
push dword [lba] ;LBA
push word [seg] ;segment
push word [ofs] ;offset
push word [nsect] ;number of sectors
push word 10h ;10h, 0h.
mov ah,42h
mov si,sp
mov dl,80h
int 13h
jc os_failure
test ah,ah
jnz os_failure
retn 10
push fail_message
call print_string
mov al,ah
call print_al
xor ax,ax
int 16h
int 19h
;Text messages
first_message db "Hi! I'm a boot sector! Let's start up...",13,10,0
fail_message db "Didn't even make it past the bootsector. Goodbye ;(",13,10
db 'INT13 Failed with AH=',0
;<here are some printing routines for debug>
;* Realmode printing routine *
mov bp,sp
mov si,word [bp+2]
mov ah,0Eh
test al,al
jz .end_print
int 10h
jmp short .print_loop
retn 2
times 510-54h-($-$$) db 0
db 55h,0AAh
;======================================== The End of Sector 0
; The Start of Sector 1 ======================================
push message2
call print_string
xor ax,ax
int 16h
int 19h
;/* TODO:
;* -) Parse the NTFS root dir for Kernel.exe
;* -) Load it up above 1 Mb using INT13h AH=42h
;* -) Set up basic PM
;* -) Jump to KernelEntry()
message2 db "Ok, let's load the Kernel.exe and set up PM",0
Please give your perspective. Slap me if this has been answered somewhere before