clear buffer problem
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 9:17 pm
i have a problem, when i execute a program (test.bin org 8500h) it will execute but when it ends, the pormpt shows like normal but when i hit enter, it executed the program again, i have tried clearing the buffer but it still kepps doing what i dont want it to do. also, after i execute the test.bin a command "vcirestart" a function the restarts my command interpreter (cmd prompt) shows up as
"" is not a file or command like nothing was in the buffer, every other command works fine though.
how can i clear my input buffer
org 8500h
mov si, var
mov ah, 2 ;setup reg for int service
int 80h ;VolTroX inturrupt service or print
var db 'Hello',0
"" is not a file or command like nothing was in the buffer, every other command works fine though.
how can i clear my input buffer
org 8500h
mov si, var
mov ah, 2 ;setup reg for int service
int 80h ;VolTroX inturrupt service or print
var db 'Hello',0