Switching to pm problem
Switching to pm problem
When i switch to pm from rm, bochs give me a "3rd exception with no resolution". Why????
RE:Switching to pm problem
Just about anything )
The most common causes seem to be:
* Loading the wrong track of the floppy
* Jumping into a data segment
* Not far jumping
* Loading the GDT wrong
It is hard to say, it could be anything...
You should try bochsdbg, a low-level debugger in bochs:
* Windows: Right click .bxrc -> Debugger
* Linux (RPM/DEB): bochsdbg -q
* Linux (Source): sudo sh -c '(cd /usr/local/src/bochs;
mkdir dbg; cd dbg;
../configure --enable-debugger;
make all;
cp bochs /usr/local/bin/bochsdbg)'
(Do not try last one w/o understanding it first)
The most common causes seem to be:
* Loading the wrong track of the floppy
* Jumping into a data segment
* Not far jumping
* Loading the GDT wrong
It is hard to say, it could be anything...
You should try bochsdbg, a low-level debugger in bochs:
* Windows: Right click .bxrc -> Debugger
* Linux (RPM/DEB): bochsdbg -q
* Linux (Source): sudo sh -c '(cd /usr/local/src/bochs;
mkdir dbg; cd dbg;
../configure --enable-debugger;
make all;
cp bochs /usr/local/bin/bochsdbg)'
(Do not try last one w/o understanding it first)