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Compiling and linking.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 11:00 pm
by gizmostripe
ok i have NASM and djgpp installed on my pc. I have 2 asm files (bootloader, and kernel loader) a kernel.c file and my headers.

I have big problems though compiling. The kernel loader cannot be flat binary because of its external refrences, and wont then link with a flat binary bootloader. The C is getting no output at all and i dont understand why. (Do i need to set switches to use my own libs)

Can anyone please tell me the ideal commandlines for this (windows) so it compiles and links all the files. (I.e. What files/switches etc.)

Bootloader <-> Kernel Loader (PMode) <-> Kenel_C + (Libs)

Thanks in advance! :)