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Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:37 pm
by ehenkes
During Devolepment of my Mini OS I hit a problem, which I currently cannot solve.
Timer IRQ0 works, Exceptions work, keyboard_handler is fine, but Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through. Perhaps you can give me a hint how to solve this HLT: ...
I do not see a mistake in the C code, perhaps the problem is in isr.asm, about the stack or linker script.
Thanks a lot
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:43 pm
by JamesM
Have you cleared the keyboard buffer? If the keyboard has buffered input, it will never raise another IRQ until the buffer is cleared.
To do this, while the DATA_READY flag (0x01) is set in register 0x64, read register 0x60. Then, the keyboard will send IRQs again.
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:25 pm
by ehenkes
The first IRQ1 does not come.
if you send it by
, then the whole chain starts:
IRQ1 (--> 33) --> keyboard_handler --> getch() with this code:
Code: Select all
int ShiftKeyDown; // Variable for Shift Key Down
unsigned int FetchScancode()
return( inportb(0x60)); // port 0x60: get scan code from the keyboard
unsigned int FetchAndAnalyzeScancode()
unsigned int scancode; // For getting the keyboard scancode
while(TRUE) // Loop until a key to be pressed
while ( !(inportb(0x64)&1) ); // 0x64: read keyboard µC status register
scancode = FetchScancode();
if ( scancode & 0x80 ) // Key released? Check bit 7 (10000000b = 0x80) of scan code for this
scancode &= 0x7F; // Key was released, compare only low seven bits: 01111111b = 0x7F
if ( scancode == KRLEFT_SHIFT || scancode == KRRIGHT_SHIFT ) // A key was released, shift key up?
ShiftKeyDown = 0; // yes, it is up --> NonShift
continue; // Loop
// Key was pressed. Capture scan code of shift key, if pressed
if ( scancode == KRLEFT_SHIFT || scancode == KRRIGHT_SHIFT )
ShiftKeyDown = 1; // It is down, use asciiShift characters
continue; // Loop, so it will not return a scan code for the shift key
return scancode;
Do I need to start the process by
before waiting for the first interrupt during my program? No, doesn't work. Only sending IRQ 33 by assembler really helps starting the process.
__asm__("int $0x21"); once is enough. Is there another way to kick this off?
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:40 pm
by jgraef
May it be possible that the keyboard buffer is filled even if the first IRQ didn't arrive. That could be if you hit a key, when you haven't installed your IRQ handlers yet. So it is a good idea to just clear the keyboard buffer at startup in your keyboard driver.
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:52 pm
by JamesM
ehenkes wrote:The first IRQ1 does not come.
if you send it by
, then the whole chain starts:
IRQ1 (--> 33) --> keyboard_handler --> getch() with this code:
Code: Select all
int ShiftKeyDown; // Variable for Shift Key Down
unsigned int FetchScancode()
return( inportb(0x60)); // port 0x60: get scan code from the keyboard
unsigned int FetchAndAnalyzeScancode()
unsigned int scancode; // For getting the keyboard scancode
while(TRUE) // Loop until a key to be pressed
while ( !(inportb(0x64)&1) ); // 0x64: read keyboard µC status register
scancode = FetchScancode();
if ( scancode & 0x80 ) // Key released? Check bit 7 (10000000b = 0x80) of scan code for this
scancode &= 0x7F; // Key was released, compare only low seven bits: 01111111b = 0x7F
if ( scancode == KRLEFT_SHIFT || scancode == KRRIGHT_SHIFT ) // A key was released, shift key up?
ShiftKeyDown = 0; // yes, it is up --> NonShift
continue; // Loop
// Key was pressed. Capture scan code of shift key, if pressed
if ( scancode == KRLEFT_SHIFT || scancode == KRRIGHT_SHIFT )
ShiftKeyDown = 1; // It is down, use asciiShift characters
continue; // Loop, so it will not return a scan code for the shift key
return scancode;
Do I need to start the process by
before waiting for the first interrupt during my program? No, doesn't work. Only sending IRQ 33 by assembler really helps starting the process.
__asm__("int $0x21"); once is enough. Is there another way to kick this off?
Please, if you ask for an answer to your question,
read the response that I gave. You don't just poll port 0x64, you read port 0x60 too.
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:53 pm
by ehenkes
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:15 pm
by JamesM
Read it!
I specifically said that you have to read from I/O location 0x60 until bit 0x01 in I/O location 0x64 becomes unset.
Your manual software interrupt 0x21 is not helping matters, it is only disguising the problem.
If you cannot and will not read and research, I will lock this thread.
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:29 pm
by ehenkes
Code: Select all
void keyboard_init()
/* Wait until buffer is empty */
while (inportb(0x64) & 0x01)
// __asm__("int $0x21"); // also possible, but not perfect.
Thanks, this code works, but I didn't find it anywhere up-to-now.
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:13 am
by pcmattman
I didn't find it anywhere up-to-now
Why'd you need to look for it? The answer is right here:
I specifically said that you have to read from I/O location 0x60 until bit 0x01 in I/O location 0x64 becomes unset.
If you can't go from that to C code, then (I personally feel) you need to step back and do some more learning before you continue.
EDIT: And before the times get pointed out, there's this from earlier in the thread:
To do this, while the DATA_READY flag (0x01) is set in register 0x64, read register 0x60. Then, the keyboard will send IRQs again.
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:43 am
by ehenkes
Thanks, I was confused last night by other source code out there in the huge internet. Port 0x64 and 0x60 offers a lot of read/write combinations.
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:37 am
by Love4Boobies
Combinations? Combinations of what?
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:28 am
by JamesM
Leave it there, there's no need to carry this into a flamewar / interrogation.
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:35 am
by ehenkes
there's no need to carry this into a flamewar / interrogation.
Thanks, I am fire proof.
Re: Keyboard IRQ 1 does not come through, please help.
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:13 am
by JamesM
ehenkes wrote:there's no need to carry this into a flamewar / interrogation.
Thanks, I am fire proof.
If you think that an inability or refusal to read and understand simple and explicit information or answers is something to be proud about, you have found the wrong forum.
I suggest when you post your next question you heed this else the only replies you get will be flamebait.