Non-functional PrintString? [Solved]
Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:07 am
Hi all,
First off - an apology. I'm sorry to be yet another stuck newbie coming and asking for your time, but I've been working at this for awhile now and I don't appear to be going anywhere so I could really do with a second opinion.
I'm attempting to write a real mode bootstrap. I've made a few boot sectors before and got to the point of reading keyboard input but in those effects I must admit I had used copy and pasted code. Code that I understood but c&p'd not the less.
Currently my code sits as follows:
The output of this is a cleared screen and the cursor underscore, nothing else.
Editing the code to test the PRINTCHAR function results in a correctly printed character, giving the impression the fault is not with that but with the PRINTSTRING function.
Any ideas would be greatfully received, thanks
Forgot to mention it's nasm code, compiled with:
nasm BOOTSTRAP.asm -f bin -o boot.bin
Then virtualized with VirtualBox. Thanks.
First off - an apology. I'm sorry to be yet another stuck newbie coming and asking for your time, but I've been working at this for awhile now and I don't appear to be going anywhere so I could really do with a second opinion.
I'm attempting to write a real mode bootstrap. I've made a few boot sectors before and got to the point of reading keyboard input but in those effects I must admit I had used copy and pasted code. Code that I understood but c&p'd not the less.
Currently my code sits as follows:
Code: Select all
[BITS 16]
ORG 0 ;Setup at start of memory
MOV AH, 07h
INT 10h ;Clear Screen
MOV BL, 07h ;Colour set 7
MOV BH, 00h ;Page 0
MOV AH, 09h
MOV CX, 1h
INT 10h
MOV AL, [SI] ;Move current character of string into AL
CMP AL, 0 ;Is it 0?
JNZ .EXIT ;If so, exit
CALL PRINTCHAR ;Print current Char
INC SI ;Move the pointer one character forward in the string
RET ;Leave procedure
WELCOME db 'Hello World', 0
TIMES 510-($-$$) db 0 ;fill the rest with 0s
DW 0xAA55 ;Bootsector stamp
Editing the code to test the PRINTCHAR function results in a correctly printed character, giving the impression the fault is not with that but with the PRINTSTRING function.
Any ideas would be greatfully received, thanks
Forgot to mention it's nasm code, compiled with:
nasm BOOTSTRAP.asm -f bin -o boot.bin
Then virtualized with VirtualBox. Thanks.