I don't like copy code, especially when I don't understand it. I see how someone did it and it gives me idea of how it should work and then I form my own solution. I'm now on the topic of heap in James's tutorial, and I have problem with page aligned allocation:
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static s32int find_smallest_hole(u32int size, u8int page_align, heap_t *heap)
// Find the smallest hole that will fit.
u32int iterator = 0;
while (iterator < heap->index.size)
header_t *header = (header_t *)lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
// If the user has requested the memory be page-aligned
if (page_align > 0)
// Page-align the starting point of this header.
u32int location = (u32int)header;
s32int offset = 0;
if ((location+sizeof(header_t)) & 0xFFFFF000 != 0)
offset = 0x1000 /* page size */ - (location+sizeof(header_t))%0x1000;
s32int hole_size = (s32int)header->size - offset;
// Can we fit now?
if (hole_size >= (s32int)size)
else if (header->size >= size)
// Why did the loop exit?
if (iterator == heap->index.size)
return -1; // We got to the end and didn't find anything.
return iterator;
The same is going here:
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void *alloc(u32int size, u8int page_align, heap_t *heap)
// Make sure we take the size of header/footer into account.
u32int new_size = size + sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t);
// Find the smallest hole that will fit.
s32int iterator = find_smallest_hole(new_size, page_align, heap);
// If we need to page-align the data, do it now and make a new hole in front of our block.
if (page_align && orig_hole_pos&0xFFFFF000)
u32int new_location = orig_hole_pos + 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos&0xFFF) - sizeof(header_t);
header_t *hole_header = (header_t *)orig_hole_pos;
hole_header->size = 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos&0xFFF) - sizeof(header_t);
hole_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
hole_header->is_hole = 1;
footer_t *hole_footer = (footer_t *) ( (u32int)new_location - sizeof(footer_t) );
hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
hole_footer->header = hole_header;
orig_hole_pos = new_location;
orig_hole_size = orig_hole_size - hole_header->size;
Thanks a lot for help!