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How to switch to VGA Graphics mode without BIOS interrupts?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:29 am
by schwin
Hi !

I am working on development of an TOS that runs in Protected Mode. I am required to switch it from text mode to graphics mode. Everywhere I google I get only one solution set AX to 0013h and call INT 10 and easily the VGA Graphics Mode is set.


I am working in protected mode and hence cannot use INT 10.

Can someone please guide me? I came across a post where it was said that this can be done by setting the VGA registers, but I could not understand much from the link provided in the post on how to implement it. Can someone whose done switching to Graphics Mode without using interrupts please help me resolve this issue.


Re: How to switch to VGA Graphics mode without BIOS interrupts?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:46 am
by JohnnyTheDon
From the wiki (the page is aptly named "VGA Hardware") : .

Do some searching please.

Note that VGA resolutions are VERY low. To get higher resolutions, you need to use that BIOS function along with VBE (also on the wiki and the web) or make native drivers (ie. an nvidia driver,ati driver, etc.). I recommend setting the video mode during boot, probably before you enter pmode.

Re: How to switch to VGA Graphics mode without BIOS interrupts?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:28 am
by Slota
Check the source of Tauron's VGA utilities here... ... GL ;)

Re: How to switch to VGA Graphics mode without BIOS interrupts?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:10 am
by Combuster
Everywhere I google I get only one solution set AX to 0013h and call INT 10 and easily the VGA Graphics Mode is set.
Search harder
1: same question was asked LAST WEEK
2: same question was asked over a hundred times total
3: its on the wiki: VGA Hardware