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Where to start development

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:33 pm
by SuperNova32
Hey guys, i have recently just decided to start writing an Operating System from scratch but i need some help with where exactly to start. I have read many tutorials and FAQs, about getting started but they all just seem to tell me it will be a very hard journey. I got that, but what i need to know is:

1. What programming languages should i learn, i know C++ and i am starting to learn assembly
2. What should i start programming from, such as where to start like the kernel or something else
3. How do i craft an OS, because i know the basic structure of program but an OS i just cant seem to grasp HOW

Re: Where to start development

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:44 pm
by clange

Edit: sorry for being rude ;)

Re: Where to start development

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:20 pm
by Troy Martin
Or, in the nicer form: Welcome! We have a (mostly) great wiki with lots of tutorials, so check it out!
1. What programming languages should i learn, i know C++ and i am starting to learn assembly
Learn some C, if you don't already know some of it. Learn enough assembly to help you set up the C++ parts.
2. What should i start programming from, such as where to start like the kernel or something else
Start with something small, like a bootloader (start with the Babystep1 series on the wiki) and work your way up to a kernel (Bare bones for C or C PlusPlus bare bones for C++.)
3. How do i craft an OS, because i know the basic structure of program but an OS i just cant seem to grasp HOW
An operating system is radically different than a program for Windows or Linux or Mac OS. OSes don't have the ability to use functions like printf() and scanf() and strcmp(), or the functions provided by DOS interrupt 21h or Linux int 80h. You also can't use standard libraries and their include files. Check out Getting Started on the wiki for more info.