Floppy Disc Driver Problem

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Floppy Disc Driver Problem

Post by Ferrarius »


I'm trying to get a basic floppy driver operational to allow me to read my Command Line from disk into memory. Now most parts of the driver work (recalibrate, seek, Activating/Deactivating motor), yet the actual read seems to fail. I have tried to fix the problem but I can't seem to find the problem. Maybe someone else does?

DMA code:

Code: Select all

mov	al,0x06		;DMA channel 2 Mask

out	0x0A,al		;Mask the Bastard

mov	al,0xFF

out	0xD8,al		;Set Master Flip-Flop

mov	eax,ebx

out	0x04,al		;low address of buffer

mov	al,ah

out	0x04,al		;high address of buffer

mov	al,0xFF

out	0xD8,al		;Length Master Flip-Flop

out	0x05,al		;Low count of Sector - 1

mov	al,0x01

out	0x05,al		;high count of sector - 1

mov	al,dl

mov	al,0x01

out	0x81,al		;Page Register number

mov	al,0x02

out	0x0a,al		;unmask the bastard

ret			;return to calling procedure

mov	al,0x06		;DMA channel 2 Mask

out	0x0A,al		;Mask the Bastard

mov	al,0x46		;Single Transfer, To Mem, CH2

out	0x0b,al		;output to port

mov	al,0x02

out	0x0a,al		;unmask the bastard

ret			;return to calling procedure
EBX is 0, so if I'm right this should put the buffer at 0x10000?

Floppy Read Function:

Code: Select all

push	eax

push	ebx

push	ecx

push	edx

mov	al,'N'

call	[0x20028]

mov	dx,FD.FIFO	;Port Address

call	.CHREADY	;Check if FIFO is ready

mov	al,'9'

call	[0x20028]

mov	al,0x46		;Read Sector Command

out	dx,al

mov	al,0x00		;Disk 0

out	dx,al

out	dx,al		;Cylinder

out	dx,al		;Head

mov	al,bl		;Sector Number

out	dx,al

mov	al,0x02		;Sector = 512 bytes

out	dx,al		;SectorSize

mov al,bl
inc	al

out	dx,al		;Last Sector Of Track

mov	al,0x1B

out	dx,al		;Gap Length

mov	al,0xFF

out	dx,al		;Obsolete Hardware Requirement

call	.RSN

mov	ecx,0x07




mov	al,'M'

call	[0x20028]

pop	edx

pop	ecx

pop	ebx

pop	eax

and the RSN and RECEIVED subs:

Code: Select all


mov	al,[FINT]

cmp	al,0xFF

jne	.SNI

mov	ax,FD.FIFO

mov	dx,ax

mov	al,'8'

call	[0x20028]

mov	al,0x08


out	dx,al

mov	al,'Z'

call	[0x20028]

xor	al,al

mov	[FINT],al



push	eax

push	edx



in	al,dx

and	al,0xC0

cmp	al,0x80

jne	.CH

pop	edx

pop	eax



push	eax

push	edx



in	al,dx

and	al,0xC0

cmp	al,0xC0

jne	.RC

mov	dx,FD.FIFO

in	al,dx

pop	edx

pop	eax

Thanks in advance for any help

(call [0x20028] is a a system call)
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Re: Floppy Disc Driver Problem

Post by System123 »


I have not had an in depth look at your code yet, just a brief glance. So far it looks and sounds like your DMA set up might be wrong. Attached is my floppy driver code which I am busy finishing. The read works but the write is still buggy. It is coded in Pascal and I hope it is useful. I will see what I can put together in assembler.

[The extension pas has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

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Re: Floppy Disc Driver Problem

Post by Dex »

You can also take a look at mine http://dex4u.com/demos/FloppyDriver.zip
Its written with fasm.
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Re: Floppy Disc Driver Problem

Post by Ferrarius »

Hello everyone. Thanks for the suggestions, after looking at your codes and extensively using the Bochs debugger I was able to fix the FDD, my screen now happily displays "Hello Floppy User" :). I don't know what was exactly wrong, probably a combination of something in the DMA Set up and in the function call.
Modular Interface Kernel With a lot of bugs ;)
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