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writing a sector to hdd

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 11:00 pm
by truenoteno
can i write a sector to my hard drive, using the same technique for writing boot sectors to floppys, (int 13??, sector,number of sectors, bla bla, just change the 1h to 80h for the hard drive( i think it's 80h).
how could i read it's "title" - what it says when it's detected (ie - MAXTOR 9803IDE)

RE:writing a sector to hdd

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 11:00 pm
by jamethiel
Yes, in real mode or with a real-mode reflector such as a DOS extender, you can use the normal int 13h functions to read and write from the hard drive. If you are going to be accessing past a certain amount (I forget how far, but it's at least a couple hundred megs) on a large disk, you may consider looking at the LBA-mode int 13h functions.

If you want to be able to read the information that your BIOS prints when it detects the drive, just send the drive an ATA Identify command.

Hope this helps.
