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A few questions on GDT LDT IDT

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:16 am
by miyano2005
Hello guys,
I am a newbie in OSdev. I have read about the GDT,LDT,IDT and other things like this.
What I am not certain about is whether the base address of ,say the GDT, you load into GDTR register is a linear address (virtual address) or a physical address?
If it is a linear address(virtual address), does that imply we have to have enabled and set up all the relevant registers in the paging unit before this base address value is loaded?

Re: A few questions on GDT LDT IDT

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:35 am
by osmosys
The values of GDTR, IDTR are the actual physical address. This physical address values get loaded into segment selectors.

Re: A few questions on GDT LDT IDT

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:37 am
by CodeCat
Descriptor tables contain linear addresses only. The address translation process goes as follows:

selector -> GDT entry + offset -> linear address -> page directory + page table + page offset -> physical address
interrupt vector -> IDT entry -> linear address -> page directory + page table + page offset -> physical address

A segment can't be more than 4GB, while you can access more than 4GB using PAE page tables. So the reverse would make no sense.