about compiler?
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:15 am
I'm interest OS Developement. But,I'm newbie.
I see old topic for ask about begining for newbie. Somebody tell us go to wiki geting start.
I'm try read getting start and try sample code. But,I cannot compile my assembly code.
I use Windows XP(32bit) for develope. I cannot run NASM for windows. It's not response when I run its.(double click)
What I want prepare tools for developing os?
Now, I have VMWare,NASM ,DJGPP,DevCPP and Visual C++.
What files include sample os(hello world)?
How to compile files for test on VMWare?
It's old question but somebody tell newbie go to getting start.
Sometime newbie see more document. We are not understand or boring. Because we are Newbie.
If newbie start from workshop or sample code, we can do its.
We will inspiration for read getting start or more document for change "hello world" to new os.
I want to somebody post new topic for tutorial step by step.
what use tools? > how to writting code? > how to compile? >how to test its?
Step by Step with images.
I think, I can start small programe. It's inspiration to me for big programe.
Most newbie ask same me but answer is getting start.
I see old topic for ask about begining for newbie. Somebody tell us go to wiki geting start.
I'm try read getting start and try sample code. But,I cannot compile my assembly code.
I use Windows XP(32bit) for develope. I cannot run NASM for windows. It's not response when I run its.(double click)
What I want prepare tools for developing os?
Now, I have VMWare,NASM ,DJGPP,DevCPP and Visual C++.
What files include sample os(hello world)?
How to compile files for test on VMWare?
It's old question but somebody tell newbie go to getting start.
Sometime newbie see more document. We are not understand or boring. Because we are Newbie.
If newbie start from workshop or sample code, we can do its.
We will inspiration for read getting start or more document for change "hello world" to new os.
I want to somebody post new topic for tutorial step by step.
what use tools? > how to writting code? > how to compile? >how to test its?
Step by Step with images.
I think, I can start small programe. It's inspiration to me for big programe.
Most newbie ask same me but answer is getting start.