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Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:29 am
by AlfaOmega08
Did you ever tried to make your OS CD-ROM bootable with GRUB2?
If so, how did you get it?
Does it work?


Re: GRUB2 and CD-ROM

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:50 am
by JohnnyTheDon
I tried. It was a miserable failure.

As for GRUB 2 in general, I recommend taking it and shoving it up Richard Stallman's %@#. It has high goals, but it (at this point) doesn't meet most of them and just hinders your OS. Development is going slowly as well. The only reason to use it is for 64-bit kernels, and even then it doesn't do the switch to 64-bit mode, so its not worth the hassle. Just use GRUB.

Re: GRUB2 and CD-ROM

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:05 am
by tantrikwizard
JohnnyTheDon wrote:...As for GRUB 2 in general, I recommend taking it and shoving it...
I agree. I should not be called GRUB because it has very specific requirements and limitations. Boot loaders are simple. IMO anyone attempting to write an OS should begin with a boot loader. Success or failure of the boot loader is a good measure of whether or not that individual the elementary skills necessary to begin doing other things. If you're going to write an OS you may as well write a 512 byte boot loader as well.