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Boot Strap
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 11:00 pm
by Profeta
I am starting to design my boot strap i already know the basic, what i am wondering is
What can i include in my boot strap? (A2) what else)
Is there any difference between programming in AMD and Intel?
Where can i find some Assembly tutorial?
RE:Boot Strap
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 11:00 pm
by Chase
Which type of boot strap? A floppy boot sector or a dos->pmode type loader?
For basic boot strap stuff you're probably only going to be using 386 compatible stuff so both AMD and Intel should function the same unless you're code has errors and then sometimes you'll see differences.
For the best asm tutorial look in the links section for "The art of assembly language".
RE:Boot Strap
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:00 pm
by Profetas
RE:Boot Strap
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:00 pm
by Neo
You do not need to change your boot strap(, sector, loader) to get it to work on different processors HOWEVER it won't work on anything but an x86 PC. The string "AA55" needs to be at byte 510 in your loader or else it will not work (except on my PC). Do that like this:
dw 'AA55'
Oh yeah, it needs to be exactly 512 bytes long. I hope that this information has helped (but you have probably already found it).
RE:Boot Strap
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:00 pm
by Chase
The string "AA55" needs to be at byte 510 in your loader or else it will not work (except on my PC)
I've come across a couple of systems myself that didn't need it but yea, it should be there.
RE:Boot Strap
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:00 pm
by mikeleany
Just a minor correction. It's not the string "AA55" but the value 0xAA55, so it should look like this:
dw 0xAA55
RE:Boot Strap
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:00 pm
by Neo
Thanks for the correction xSadar. I guess I'm not very good at explaining things.
RE:Boot Strap
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 11:00 pm
by Profetas
I was starting using NASM, can i create a file using NASM or i Have to create the file using anothe linux editor??
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 11:00 pm
by josemx
nasm is only a compiler, translate your asm code into machine code
you need a plain text editor like vi, pico, etc.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 11:00 pm
by Profeta
how can i create a C file in lunux and how can i run it?
do i need any C program? or i can create using txt editor and compile and run?
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 11:00 pm
by Neo
You can create C files using just about any text editor. Save them with a ".c" extension and compile them with GCC ("gcc -c file.c -o outfile.whatever") or another C compiler. You may also need to use a linker (I use LD) but the usage varies from program to program.