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Problem with James Molloy's kernel turorial

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:14 am
by kindyroot
Hello, i am new here, i had gone through the first steps of the Bran's kernel tutorial, it compiled but grub said it wasn't a valid image, i figured out later that there was a missing entry in the linking script, then i decided to go through another tutorial, i tried the james Molloy's kernel tutorial (, once again it compiles very fine, this time it even loads well with grub, but it was supposed to print a hello world in the screen and actually it doesn't at all, .. since i am quite new to this stuff, i couldn't find where the problem was from, i don't know if someone here has ever run to this problem, any advice will help me a lot, thank you in advance.

Re: Problem with James Molloy's kernel turorial

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:47 am
by kmtdk
can we see some code ( your code)

KMT dk

Re: Problem with James Molloy's kernel turorial

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:42 pm
by gmoney
if i were you i would goto or google and type in v floppy, if your using windows and if your using linux depending what flavor you have you may have to use the command su (superuser) the run the script provided by the tut. e.g. ./ with windows just load the img using virtural floppy and it comes up as a fdc on your computer. configure the bochs config file so it loads the img windows style "a:\" .

Re: Problem with James Molloy's kernel turorial

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:25 am
by kindyroot
Thank you for you answers, Kmtdk -> here's my code: KosmOS.tgz - 0.01MB, gmoney -> i am running Debian Linux, i have Bochs but i haven't used it yet, i prefered for the moment putting my image in /boot and asking Grub to load it for me.
thank you again.