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Read On

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:00 pm
by KidProgrammer
Note, you may have misunderstood my previous message. I mean I am not superior in my Comp programming, though I am (how can I stress this enough w/o HTML) GREAT (with notepad) for my web programming.


Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:00 pm
by KidProgrammer
I AM SO EMBARRASSED! First, I meant for "Read On" To be under my Do You? Topic, and second, I mis-typed think so long ago. Don't blame me; I am just 11.

RE:Read On

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:00 pm
by carbonBased
Soo... are you trying to suggest that HTML is a _difficult_ language?

I don't mean to start another war, but quite frankly, HTML is simple.
How's your ASP?
How 'bout JSP?
Server side includes, SSL, Perl?
JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, XML, XSL?
What database back-ends do you use?
What's 3rd normal form?
What's SOAP stand for?
Have you tested your code on all browers? (What about Opera... Konqueror... or even Lynx?)
Ever had your HTML validated by the W3?

I don't mean to be rash, but com'on... even a web developer that has used all these technologies, and then some, doesn't make them a good OS developer.

And your choice of development IDE, or text editor is irrelevant.  I know many developers that write in text editors... I, personally, use KATE (ie, a Linux text editor).  So what?!  It's personally choice!  I wouldn't consider myself any better or worse then someone that chose to write their code in VI...

Oh, and btw, how 'bout that 64k limit on notepad...


RE:Read On

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 11:00 pm
by kataklinger
Don't you ever talk like that to the MASTER.

RE:Read On

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 11:00 pm
by KidProgrammer
Kataklinger, I still think, even with this comment, you should beg for forgiveness from god. And the one who takled about how simple Web is read my message harder. And I don't have a domain name yet, so I cannot use CGI- Remember, I need a bin for that?

RE:Read On

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:00 pm
by carbonBased
So you're saying _strictly_ _html_!  That just proves my point!

And btw, you don't need your own domain for CGI.  You can do it locally, on your system (as like my test environment), and on some ISPs provided web space.

Point is, html by itself is only the tip of the iceburg... a really small tip!


RE:Read On

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:00 pm
by KidProgrammer
Bit of Java... not entirely mine though=)

And, well, a 'Currency Exchange' Calculator, but certainly not mine

RE:Read On...STOP

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 11:00 pm
by VeryAnnoyed
I say that KidProgramer stops hogging all of the message board to brag about he/she/him/her/it's "skills".  Oh yeah, I started OSDEV when I was 7 years old :).  No, really, I did.
                           ~ VeryAnnoyed     >;( GRRRRRR...