new and delete implementation

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new and delete implementation

Post by AlfaOmega08 »

I've already implemented a malloc and free functions. Since I'm creating a C++ kernel, now I need to implement new and delete too...
Initially I thinked that

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void *operator new(size_t size) {
        return malloc(size);
Is the only think I need. But I read that new and delete also call constructors and deconstructors. How can I call the contructor of the new class?
I also read that the return type of new isn't void * but a pointer to the type of the parameter.

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new(sizeof(short int)) returns short int *
new(Class1()) returns Class1 *
How is this done in C++?

Please, correct my English...
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Re: new and delete implementation

Post by xyzzy »

Use of operator new and delete automatically calls the constructors and destructors, you don't need to do that in your implementation.

And yes, the return type automatically gets converted to a pointer to the type being allocated. Also, your usage of new in that example is wrong - new takes a type as a parameter, not a size. It should be:

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new short int;
If you want to pass arguments to constructors when allocating a class, use:

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new MyClass(foo, bar);
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