I'm pulling my hair out as I type!!!...
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:00 pm
I have tried *everything* in my power to get a *simple* little program to run and then have the
timer exit the routine back to the main routine. Okay, that doesn't make much sence so here is
a better explanation...
-save old INT 1CH pointer from IVT
-set INT 1CH to my handler
-jump to Start
-Start: show '!' over and over... Jump back to Start (endless loop).
-My INT 1CH handler will exit the Start: routine and go back to the main code and exit to DOS.
Okay, I know this program sounds silly but this is just an example of something "bigger" im trying
to make but my example below shows the "smaller" problem im having.
#The problem:#- The first and second time I run my program it works great. Once the timer ticks it
exits to DOS with no problem. The third time I run it, it exits to DOS and then stalls. WHY?
First thing I checked was the stack but I can't seem to find a problem there. I *do* have code
in the example to clean up the 8254(8253) timer state using MOV AL,20H : OUT 20H, AL but
that doesn't seem to do the trick either (it does help though).
Here is the assembly (NASM) code. I have only tested it under DOSEMU but I'm sure it fails
under Bochs and real DOS also. (I'll test ASAP).
ORG 100H
jmp Init ;goto startup
Done: ;comes here when timer "ticks"
mov ah, 0Eh
mov al, 'D'
mov bx, 0007h
int 10h ;Print a 'D' for Done (for debug)
int 20h ;Exit to DOS, 4C00H I21 works also
Init: ;Starts here...
MOV ES, AX ;IVT start
MOV BX, [ES:1CH * 4 + 0]
MOV [OldINT1C + 0], BX ;Save old INT 1C
MOV BX, [ES:1CH * 4 + 2]
MOV [OldINT1C + 2], BX ;...
MOV [ES:1CH * 4 + 0], WORD NewINT1C
MOV [ES:1CH * 4 + 2], CS
JMP Start ;Our endless loop code...
OldINT1C: DW 0
DW 0
MOV BX, [CS:OldINT1C + 0]
MOV [ES:1CH * 4 + 0], BX
MOV BX, [CS:OldINT1C + 2]
MOV [ES:1CH * 4 + 2], BX ;Resume old original INT 1C handler
SUB SP, 4 ;Pop IP and CS, we don't need them here..
PUSH CS ;Put our CS on stack
PUSH Done ;Put our IP on stack
OUT 20H, AL ;INT done
IRET ;Return to Done:
Start: ;endless code , only exits when INT 1C wants us to.
mov ah, 0Eh
mov al, '!'
mov bx, 0007h
int 10h ;Teletype '!' over and over....
jmp Start
THANKS. I need the help. I've been trying to get this routine to work for days now.
Once I figure it out I can't wait to continue programming my project.
timer exit the routine back to the main routine. Okay, that doesn't make much sence so here is
a better explanation...
-save old INT 1CH pointer from IVT
-set INT 1CH to my handler
-jump to Start
-Start: show '!' over and over... Jump back to Start (endless loop).
-My INT 1CH handler will exit the Start: routine and go back to the main code and exit to DOS.
Okay, I know this program sounds silly but this is just an example of something "bigger" im trying
to make but my example below shows the "smaller" problem im having.
#The problem:#- The first and second time I run my program it works great. Once the timer ticks it
exits to DOS with no problem. The third time I run it, it exits to DOS and then stalls. WHY?
First thing I checked was the stack but I can't seem to find a problem there. I *do* have code
in the example to clean up the 8254(8253) timer state using MOV AL,20H : OUT 20H, AL but
that doesn't seem to do the trick either (it does help though).
Here is the assembly (NASM) code. I have only tested it under DOSEMU but I'm sure it fails
under Bochs and real DOS also. (I'll test ASAP).
ORG 100H
jmp Init ;goto startup
Done: ;comes here when timer "ticks"
mov ah, 0Eh
mov al, 'D'
mov bx, 0007h
int 10h ;Print a 'D' for Done (for debug)
int 20h ;Exit to DOS, 4C00H I21 works also
Init: ;Starts here...
MOV ES, AX ;IVT start
MOV BX, [ES:1CH * 4 + 0]
MOV [OldINT1C + 0], BX ;Save old INT 1C
MOV BX, [ES:1CH * 4 + 2]
MOV [OldINT1C + 2], BX ;...
MOV [ES:1CH * 4 + 0], WORD NewINT1C
MOV [ES:1CH * 4 + 2], CS
JMP Start ;Our endless loop code...
OldINT1C: DW 0
DW 0
MOV BX, [CS:OldINT1C + 0]
MOV [ES:1CH * 4 + 0], BX
MOV BX, [CS:OldINT1C + 2]
MOV [ES:1CH * 4 + 2], BX ;Resume old original INT 1C handler
SUB SP, 4 ;Pop IP and CS, we don't need them here..
PUSH CS ;Put our CS on stack
PUSH Done ;Put our IP on stack
OUT 20H, AL ;INT done
IRET ;Return to Done:
Start: ;endless code , only exits when INT 1C wants us to.
mov ah, 0Eh
mov al, '!'
mov bx, 0007h
int 10h ;Teletype '!' over and over....
jmp Start
THANKS. I need the help. I've been trying to get this routine to work for days now.
Once I figure it out I can't wait to continue programming my project.