Solar wrote:Hmm.
I've had my NNTP times, too. But let's stay serious here: Thread support on a forum is much better than on NNTP
AHAHA! I repeat: forums
lack thread support. I've never seen any web forum with thread support.
(where the threaded view is effectively up to the client).
What's the problem? If thread support in NNTP is up to the client, thread "support" in forums is up to the forum owner (i.e. you don't have it).
It requires an open port 119 or 563, which can be hard to get behind e.g. a corporate firewall.
Here, the problem is in the firewall, not in NNTP itself. And in that case (if you are at work behind a firewall), you have always Google Groups.
You might dislike BBCode,
I do. BBCode is hard to use.
Or better: It might not be a bad approach if:
- it was abstracted by the user interface (for example, automatically replacing word surrounded by asterisks by the correct BBCode, or a more WYSIWYGish approach)
- it was not used for quoting (or it could be used only when someone wanted to quote something that came from outside, for example, some paragraph found in another thread)
but I don't think that quoting is any easier on NNTP.
Yes, it is. You didn't explain why you think that. However,
I think quoting is easier on Usenet because it facilitates splitting your quoted text into logical parts, to which you can answer separately. If you really wish to answer everything at once, no one forbids you from doing so.
The server has excellent availability and is quite up to the task performance-wise, and if your system has problems updating the textbox in your browser fast enough you must be running on a PII or older.
No. I'm running on a Pentium III.
Anyway, the main problem is not the performance of the text box:
I wrote:- You have to write your messages in a small text container that in most browsers shows horrible performance when has too much text. It's also horrible to navigate through your posts even when they work at full-speed.
It's much better having the text box with the size you want, with a wide view of what you're writing.
Also, forum's edit interfaces are flawed because you cannot enter tabs. Browsers typically catch tabs and interpret them as a key for switching the currently selected object. Now, I here you asking: "how many times have you needed to enter a tab in a forum?". My answer is: few. But when I do, this fact doesn't make it less irritating (in fact, I tend to use many tabs while writing source code in this forum).
Also, about the quotes once more, one proof about BBCode being a bad idea for quoting is this screenshot of the edit window I'm writing on:
- Screenshot of this edit window.
Looking at that text, I have *no* idea about the appearance the text will have in the final, formatted form. I only know it because I was forced to do many previews to the post.
Full-text search in NNTP archives is a PITA, although I admit phpBB isn't Google either.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Google has never entirely pruned my entire search query, effectively disallowing me to search for anything in the news.
It may not be the best search engine Google has ever conceived, but at least it's
by far more flexible than any forum's I've ever seen.