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Who knows the use of TF(Trap Flag) ?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:38 am
by david
There is TF(bit 8 ) in 80X86 CPU.
I can't understand its use.
I think it maybe has relations with Int 01h.
Interrupt Jump Table wrote: Int 01 - CPU-generated - SINGLE STEP
Int 01 - CPU-generated (80386+) - DEBUGGING EXCEPTIONS

Volume 3A_ System Programming Guide wrote: TF Trap (bit 8 ) : Set to enable single-step mode for debugging; clear to
disable single-step mode. In single-step mode, the processor generates a
debug exception after each instruction. This allows the execution state of a
program to be inspected after each instruction. If an application program
sets the TF flag using a POPF, POPFD, or IRET instruction, a debug exception
is generated after the instruction that follows the POPF, POPFD, or IRET.
I wrote some code to set TF.

Code: Select all

	pop ax
	or ax, 0100h
	push ax
But nothing happened.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:03 am
by AJ

Have you set up an IDT handler for the debug exception (exception 3) which does more than just return to the next instruction?


Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:04 pm
by df
turning the TF on will tell the cpu to trigger interrupt 0x01 before the instruction is run.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:28 pm
by david
I found int 01h's ISR entry point is the same with int 03h's(F000:E819).
I disassemblyed the ISR code.
They only set 0:46B's value.

Code: Select all

push ds
push ax
push cx
mov ax, 40h
mov ds, ax
jmp 0EFBDh
mov ah, 0FFh
mov [6Bh], ah
pop cx
pop ax
pop ds

I could not found any useful things.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:15 am
by df
you have to provide your own ISR routine for it to do anything usefull.

when this gets called you will have on top of stack the cs:ip of the instruction to be executed, which you can modify, etc. its good for single step debugging.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:14 am
by david
df wrote:you have to provide your own ISR routine for it to do anything usefull.

when this gets called you will have on top of stack the cs:ip of the instruction to be executed, which you can modify, etc. its good for single step debugging.
What is the number of my own ISR? int 1h or other?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:28 am
by suthers
You can change any Interrupt to whatever you want by changing there entry in the IVT/IDT (Depending on what mode you're in...), so change INT 1 to whatever you want, the point of the TF is to have an interrupt that can give you tailored more targeted debug info for every single operation....