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Macros givin me grief [SOLVED]
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:14 pm
by tadada
I was thinking about my print functions which I have been working on when I thought about macros. I thought about it a little more and realised with macros some one could create a mean print function for example.
So I go to try it. I convert my clear screen function (which works) into a macro and compile. Nothing happens but my "h" is written. This comes after the clear screen. The macro didn't through an error. It just skipped it. I convert it back and it worked again.
So I was wondering if the problem is obvious (like some option I must pass to nasm at compile time) or is something more subtle.
I have seen someone use a macro to do a realmode print function.
Thanks in advance
BTW: I compiled my SCRN functions alone into a file (SYS file). (just them, the clear screen and my beginnings of a putch function both of which were macros.) The file came out as being empty. (0 bytes) I loaded it with Notepad++ and it was empty.
My clear screen code:
Code: Select all
%macro clrscrn 0
mov ebx, 0x18
mov es, ebx
mov ebx, 0
mov al, " "
mov ah, 8Fh
mov word [es: ebx], ax
inc ebx
inc ebx
cmp ebx, 0xFA0
jne %%loopscrn
mov ebx, 0
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:40 pm
by suthers
Nothing coming out when you assemble a macro, I think thats normal, I think the assembler doesn't assemble it if its not called...
My OS used to be called SOS to BTW, but it stood for something else...
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:51 pm
by tadada
Is the proper way to call a macro to just type its name on a line
example of what I think is the correct way:
Code: Select all
%macro foo 0
mov eax, 0x18
mov es, eax
EDIT: I have the NASM manual open to the macro section but it isn't too clear on how to call macros, especially ones with no parmeters.
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:56 pm
by Dex
suthers is right, when you call a macro the code is placed where the call was made, so if you call it 20 times, your program will be bigger by 20 times the size of the macro.
A proc is differant, as its a jmp with a return address, so if you call a proc 20 times it will only be bigger by the call instructions *20 and once the size of the proc code
So if you do not call it your program will not be any bigger.
in fasm you use macro like this
Code: Select all
macro PRINT String{
local .Printer
local .Nextchar
local .Done
local .a
mov si, .a
mov ah, 0Eh
jmp .Nextchar
or al, al
jz .Done
int 10h
jmp .Nextchar
jmp .Done
.a db String,10,13,0
macro SCREEN mode
push ax
if mode = 0
mov ah,0h ;SCREEN 0; Default DOS screen mode
mov al,3h
int 10h
else if mode = 13
mov ah,0h ;SCREEN 13; VGA
mov al,13h
int 10h
end if
pop ax
macro SLEEP
;ah = BIOS scancode of key pressed
;al = ASCII character of key pressed
;Could have also used...
; mov ah,8h
; int 21h
mov ah,0h
int 16h
macro END
mov ax,4Ch ;\END
int 21h ;/
macro LOCATE row,col
mov ah,2 ;Function 2
mov bh,0 ;Use page 0
mov dh,row ;row
mov dl,col ;col
int 10h
And then you can do this:
Code: Select all
PRINT "Hello World"
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:08 pm
by tadada
Thank you for your help. I realised that because it places that code there I wouldn't need a ret line at the end but that wasn't the problem. I am going to try fasm.
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:24 pm
by Dex
tadada wrote:Thank you for your help. I realised that because it places that code there I wouldn't need a ret line at the end but that wasn't the problem. I am going to try fasm.
But my point was, that unless you call the macro by placing its name some where in your code, it will not be assembled even if you put the code for the macro in your code.
You will not go far wrong with Fasm and they have a macro section ... 788d968625
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:34 pm
by tadada
The thing is that in my kernel I do call the macro for print and clear screen. the line for clear screen reads: clrscrn
It has no parameters, its on it own line and it does nothing. It skips it as if it didn't compile it, but I did create it. In fact it thinks they are labels that I forgot to add the colon to. heck I even added a parameter and now it won't take it saying it is exspecting an instruction but it is in the syntax given in the manual.
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:42 pm
by kmcguire
I wrote:Code: Select all
%macro foo 0
mov eax, 0x18
mov es, eax
xor eax, eax
I assembled with:
And, I also tried:
It produces:Code: Select all
kmcguire@laptop ~ $ objdump -d t
t: file format elf32-i386
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <start>:
0: b8 18 00 00 00 mov $0x18,%eax
5: 8e c0 mov %eax,%es
7: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
9: b8 18 00 00 00 mov $0x18,%eax
e: 8e c0 mov %eax,%es
Which shows that the macro is working. You must be doing something wrong, or not checking your inputs and outputs good enough.
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:38 am
by tadada
I know what I did wrong.
I had the file that contained the macros ( being included at the end of the kernel file but the preproccesor replaces the macro call with the most recent version of the macro. Because it was included after the call there as no recent version and thus it only could replace the macro call with nothing. Because there was nothing there it just assembled it without it thus giving the symptoms of it continueing without a problem.
hehe. I knew it had to be something simple.
I have one question though. In NASM does the macro automatically push various register because the putch macro in FASM works but in NASM is gives a general protection fault. They are the same other then the minor differences between the macro syntaxes like passing the char to print and saying when a macro ends thats all. EDIT: my bad had a ret statement in my marco.
I had success with FASM though, Now I just have to choose FASM or NASM both of which seem like great assemblers.
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:14 pm
by Dex
One big plus for Fasm, is its very easy to port to your OS, if your OS can load a program, has a print function, basic memory management, and can load a source file.
Then it will take less than half a hour to port.
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:28 pm
by tadada
I'm gunna use FASM because I eventually wanna be able to make programs on my OS and I like the fact that it is a bit simpler.
One thing with porting it though. Because my OS is pmode 32-bit I'll have to create a DPMI (DOS Protected Mode Interface) or port an existing one. ICK! Or I could take the easy way and come down into real-mode to run it temporarily. At least to begin with. Load it then jump to the code to execute it save my files and such then go back into pmode. O