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Keyboard Controller Functions

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:37 pm
by crbenesch
I wrote these functions after pouring over documentation, debugging, and strange behaviour. They perform commands with the keyboard controller.

controller_cmd - For sending a comand to port 0x64, returns the result of the command or 0xff if nothing was received.
controller_wcmd - For sending commands to port 0x64 that require data as well, such as select scancode set, set leds, etc...
keyboard_cmd and keyboard_wcmd act just like the above functions, but access port 0x60 for writing.

They are written in C and pretty much self sufficient, nothing required except the inportb and outportb functions which we should all have being OSdevers anyway.

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/* The next four functions dont differ by much, but they save you a lot of headache trying to figure it out */
unsigned char keyboard_command(unsigned char cmd)
   int tries;
   unsigned char c;

   while (inportb(0x64) & 1) inportb(0x60); /* Clear out any old data */
   tries = 10;
   while ((inportb(0x64) & 2) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   if (!tries) return 0xff;
   tries = 10;
   while ((!(inportb(0x64) & 1)) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   if (!tries) return 0xff;
   c = inportb(0x60);
   return c;

unsigned char keyboard_commandw(unsigned char cmd,unsigned char data)
   int tries;
   unsigned char c;

   while (inportb(0x64) & 1) inportb(0x60); /* Clear out any old data */
   tries = 10;
   while ((inportb(0x64) & 2) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   tries = 10;
   while ((!(inportb(0x64) & 1)) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   tries = 10;
   while ((inportb(0x64) & 2) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   tries = 10;
   while ((!(inportb(0x64) & 1)) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   c = inportb(0x60);
   return c;

unsigned char controller_cmdw(unsigned char cmd,unsigned char data)
   int tries;
   unsigned char c;

   while (inportb(0x64) & 1) inportb(0x60); /* Clear out any old data */
   tries = 10;
   while ((inportb(0x64) & 2) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   tries = 10;
   while ((!(inportb(0x64) & 1)) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   tries = 10;
   while ((inportb(0x64) & 2) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   tries = 10;
   while ((!(inportb(0x64) & 1)) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   c = inportb(0x60);
   return c;

unsigned char controller_cmd(unsigned char cmd)
   int tries;
   unsigned char c;

   while (inportb(0x64) & 1) inportb(0x60); /* Clear out any old data */
   tries = 10;
   while ((inportb(0x64) & 2) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   if (!tries) return 0xff;
   tries = 10;
   while ((!(inportb(0x64) & 1)) && tries) { delay(5); tries--; }
   if (!tries) return 0xff;
   c = inportb(0x60);
   return c;