Code: Select all
printf("Setting up paging.\n");
// typedef unsigned int u32;
// void *kpmalloc(u32 size, bool pageAligned); // (placement malloc)
u32 **dir = (u32 **)kpmalloc(4096, TRUE);
u32 *table = (u32 *)kpmalloc(4096, TRUE);
memset(dir, 0, 4096);
memset(table, 0, 4096);
/* identity map the first 4MB of memory */
u32 i = 0; // current page descriptor within the table
u32 addr = 0; // current address
while (i < 1024)
table[i] = addr | 3; // RW + Supervisor + Present
addr += 4096;
// the first entry in the descriptor describes the virtual address for 0MB-4MB,
// so this is where our table must go
dir[0] = (u32 *)((u32)table | 3); // RW + Supervisor + Present
// put the page directory in cr3
asm volatile("mov %0, %%cr3":: "r"(dir));
// enable the paging bit in cr0
u32 cr0;
asm volatile("mov %%cr0, %0": "=r"(cr0));
cr0 |= 0x80000000; // Enable paging!
asm volatile("mov %0, %%cr0":: "r"(cr0));
// since we identity mapped the first 4 MB of memory,
// dereferencing a pointer pointing to the end of the first
// 5MB should invoke a page fault...
u32 fault = *(u32 *)(5 * 1024 * 1024);
printf("Test done...\n");
Something must be wrong with my theory and/or process, because my IDT #14 handler just isn't being called. I know the problem that I'm experiencing can't be that a page fault is occurring and my IDT handler isn't setup properly to handle it because the following code invokes my handler no problem.Setting up paging.
Test done...
Code: Select all
// test the page fault handler
asm volatile("int $14");
P.S. I'm using QEMU for emulation, but I highly doubt QEMU is behind my problem.