Paging Thoughts
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:00 pm
Hi I want to Identity Map all available memory.
This is how I thaught to do it:
First I will break down the highest possible memory address (Provided by GRUB) into its component parts (as if it were a virtual PAGED address), telling me how many Page Directory Entries are used and how many Page Table Entries (In the final Page Directory) are used to reach this address.
So the total number of Page Table Entries = ((DirectoryEntries*0x400)+TableEntries)
All of my Page Table Entries will be stored in a single array with my Page Directory situated just before it:
NOTE: PageDirectory and PageTable, both 4Kb aligned
So, If i was to Fill all of the Page Table Entries with:
Then fill in the Page Directory with:
NOTE: See above for definition of DirectoryEntries
Then Enable Paging with:
This should enable paging and have all available memory Identity Mapped...
I have tried and something is wrong.
I just can't figure out the problem
This is how I thaught to do it:
First I will break down the highest possible memory address (Provided by GRUB) into its component parts (as if it were a virtual PAGED address), telling me how many Page Directory Entries are used and how many Page Table Entries (In the final Page Directory) are used to reach this address.
Code: Select all
EndAddress = Memory Length (in bytes)
DirectoryEntries = bits 22-32 of EndAddrees
TableEntries = bits 12-22 of EndAddress
All of my Page Table Entries will be stored in a single array with my Page Directory situated just before it:
NOTE: PageDirectory and PageTable, both 4Kb aligned
Code: Select all
unsigned long *PageDirectory = (unsigned long *)0x400000;
unsigned long *PageTable = (unsigned long *)0x401000;
Code: Select all
i=0, address=0;
for(i=0;i<=((DirectoryEntries*0x400)+TableEntries);i++) {
PageTable[i]= address | 3;
Address=(Address+0x1000); // 4Kb in HEX
NOTE: See above for definition of DirectoryEntries
Code: Select all
for(i=0;i<=DirectoryEntries;i++) {
PageDirectory[i]=PageDirectory[i] | 3;
for(i=DirectoryEntries;i<=0x400;i++) {
PageDirectory[i]=0 | 2;
Code: Select all
Set CR3 to address of PageDirectory
Set PE bit in CR0
I have tried and something is wrong.
I just can't figure out the problem