I am trying to enter long mode, from 32 bit protected mode and am constantly encountering an interrupt 14 (page exception [which is not handled because there is no IDT yet]) the moment i enable paging, even though the linear address accessed after paging is enabled should be paged in.
Code: Select all
switchTo64Bitmode(void *Eentry)
unsigned long *PeHigh;
unsigned long *PeLow;
unsigned int i;
// pt
PeLow = (unsigned long*) 4194304;
for(i = 0; i < 512; i++)
*PeLow = i * 4 * 1024;
SetAtributes(PeLow, 0, 1, 0, 0);
PeHigh = PeLow + 4;
*PeHigh = 0;
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
// pd
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
*PeLow = 4194304;
SetAtributes(PeLow, 0, 1, 0, 0);
PeHigh = PeLow + 4;
*PeHigh = 0;
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
for(i = 1; i < 512; i++)
*PeLow = 1;
PeHigh = PeLow + 4;
*PeHigh = 0;
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
// pdt
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
*PeLow = 4194304 + (4 * 1024);
SetAtributes(PeLow, 0, 1, 0, 0);
PeHigh = PeLow + 4;
*PeHigh = 0;
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
for(i = 1; i < 512; i++)
*PeLow = 1;
PeHigh = PeLow + 4;
*PeHigh = 0;
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
*PeLow = 4194304 + (2 * 4 * 1024);
SetAtributes(PeLow, 0, 1, 0, 0);
PeHigh = PeLow + 4;
*PeHigh = 0;
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
for(i = 1; i < 512; i++)
*PeLow = 1;
PeHigh = PeLow + 4;
*PeHigh = 0;
PeLow = PeLow + 8;
// page structure built enable long mode
Code: Select all
SetAtributes(unsigned long *at, char supervisor, char present, char read, char write)
// pwd = 1
// pcd = 0
// pat = 0
// global page
1 present flag
2 read write
3 user super user
4 caching polciy (1 - for now)
5 caching disable (0 dont disable)
6 acsessed - proccessor (we dont touch)
7 dirty bit (0) - set by prossesor when pages is written to
8 pages acsess table (0)
// first bit of adress low is globoal (0 for now all flushed), next three bits are avalible
// for now there are no users...so ignore parameters
if(present == 1)
// page is present
*at = *at | 3;
//page is not present
*at = *at | 2;
Code: Select all
global enableLongMode;
push eax
push edx
push ecx
; enable long mode
;set PAE enable bit in cr4 (bit 7)
mov eax, cr4
bts eax, 5
mov cr4, eax
; set cr3 load address of pageing structure (first t 12 bits must be 0) remaiing 20 bits addr
mov eax, 0x403000
mov cr3, eax
; enable long mode
mov ecx, 0x0c0000080
rdmsr ; puts stuff in EDX:EAX from msr ecx
bts eax, 8
; enable paging cr0 (bit 31)
mov eax, cr0
bts eax, 31
mov edx, 2
mov cr0, eax
; >>tripple fault here becuase of unhandled int 14<<
pop ecx
pop edx
pop eax
ret; return we are now in 32 bit compatability mode....
if you don't have the time to find the problem i would greatly appreciate someone posting there long mode initialization code - just so that i can see what i am doing wrong.
as you can see from my code - i am still learning English literature (and it is my first language)
thanks again.