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Problem with GDT pointer

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:30 pm
by billion_boi
Ive managed to compile my bootloader using NASM with no errors , but the code doesnt run beyond the GDTpointer that ive marked below...I can print a string befor the line...but not after...Any ideas as to why?

Its not like ive loaded the segment register that my string function uses with the descriptor offsett yet...

Code: Select all



	Dw 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0


	Dw 1

	Dw 0

	Db 0

	Db 10011010

	Db 11011111

	Db 0


	Dw 1

	Dw 0

	Db 0

	Db 10010010

	Db 11011111

	Db 0



	Dw .Gdt_end - .Gdt_code -1 ;****Error here

	Dd .Gdt_code

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:53 pm
by jzgriffin
You aren't supposed to "run" the GDT--you're supposed to load it with lgdt [gdtpointer]. Perhaps you could post the rest of your code?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:00 pm
by billion_boi

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]

[ORG 0X7E00] ;

jmp main


	;****segment DS register is already set at 00000 for you by the bootloader

	mov si, BootstrapLoaded ;Load into the index register the offsett of the string

	call PrintMsg


	Call GDT
	mov si,GDTLoaded

	Call PrintMsg

	jmp $

;The following GDT notes are written in Notes3 file



	Dw 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0


	Dw 1

	Dw 0

	Db 0

	Db 10011010

	Db 11011111

	Db 0


	Dw 1

	Dw 0

	Db 0

	Db 10010010

	Db 11011111

	Db 0



	Dw .Gdt_end - .Gdt_code -1

	Dd .Gdt_code



	Lgdt [.Gdt_pointer]


PrintMsg:	;The datasegment register for the bootstrap is loaded in the first stage bootsector

	mov ah, 0x0e

	mov bh, 0x00

	mov bl, 0x07


	mov al, [ds:si] 

	inc si ;

	or al, al  

	jz .Break 

	int 0x10  

	jmp .NextChar   



BootstrapLoaded: db "The bootstrap(extended bootloader) is running", 13, 10, 0

GDTLoaded: db "GDT is loaded",13,10,0

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:04 pm
by Combuster

Code: Select all

call GDT
should be

Code: Select all

call GDT.Gdt_load
for the reason previously explained

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:18 pm
by billion_boi
i see, so i could however enable the pmode bit in the Cr0 register first...and then run and load the GDt right?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:53 pm
by Combuster

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:54 pm
by jzgriffin
You need to load the GDT prior to enable protected mode. See the Wiki page for Protected mode.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:00 pm
by Combuster
Actually, you don't need a GDT in order to set the PE bit successfully.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:19 pm
by billion_boi
Here is my restructured code in which im only loading the GDT not running it.
But i still have the issue that the code doesnt run beyond the pointer.

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]


[ORG 0X7E00]

jmp main


	;****segment DS register is already set at 00000 for you by the bootloader

	mov si, BootstrapLoaded

	call PrintMsg

	mov si, MSGPmode

	Call PrintMsg

	Call GDT_load

	jmp $

;The following GDT notes are written in Notes3 file


.Gdt_null:    ;Offset 0, descriptor code 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0

.Gdt_code: ;Offset 8 bytes down, 0x8h

	Dw 1

	Dw 0

	Db 0

	Db 10011010

	Db 11011111

	Db 0

.Gdt_data: ;Offsett 16 bytes down, 0x10h

	Dw 1

	Dw 0

	Db 0

	Db 10010010

	Db 11011111

	Db 0




	Dw GDT_run.Gdt_end - GDT_run.Gdt_code -1

	Dd GDT_run.Gdt_code
;*******************************Problem here....String doesnt print...*******************

mov si, OK;Load into the index register the offsett of the string

Call PrintMsg



	Lgdt [.Gdt_pointer]



	mov ah, 0x0e

	mov bh, 0x00

	mov bl, 0x07


	mov al, [ds:si] ;DS (segment selecter not necessar, NASM will assume current data segment)

	inc si 

	or al, al ; if al=0 (the last character=null) then 0 flag is set

	jz .Break 

	int 0x10  

	jmp .NextChar   



BootstrapLoaded: db "The bootstrap(extended bootloader) is running", 13, 10, 0
MSGPmode: db "Loading Protected Mode",13,10,0

OK: db "[OK]",13,10,0

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:37 pm
by nekros
you are "running" the gdt pointer. Call .gdt_load gdt_load doesn't do anything.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:55 pm
by billion_boi
nekros, Jeremiah, Combuster...I think i figured out what youve been trying to tell me this whole time...So now in what i hope is the last example, im not running the GDT, ive only set up the pointer...But still i cant get the string to print...Any ideas as to why?

Code: Select all

Call GDT_run.Gdt_pointer

jmp $


.Gdt_null:    ;Offset 0, descriptor code 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0

	Dw 0

.Gdt_code: ;Offset 8 bytes down, 0x8h

	Dw 1

	Dw 0

	Db 0

	Db 10011010

	Db 11011111

	Db 0

.Gdt_data: ;Offsett 16 bytes down, 0x10h

	Dw 1

	Dw 0

	Db 0

	Db 10010010

	Db 11011111

	Db 0



	Dw GDT_run.Gdt_end - GDT_run.Gdt_code -1

	Dd GDT_run.Gdt_code
	;*******************************Problem here....String doesnt print...*******************

	mov si, OK;Load into the index register the offsett of the string
	Call PrintMsg


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:01 pm
by jzgriffin
You're still trying to run the GDT. Replace the call with this:

Code: Select all

   lgdt [GDT_run.Gdt_pointer]
   mov ax, 0x10
   mov ds, ax
   mov es, ax
   mov fs, ax
   mov gs, ax
   mov ss, ax
   jmp 0x08:Flush

   mov si, OK;Load into the index register the offsett of the string
   Call PrintMsg

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:17 pm
by nekros
Please tell me you understand that :'( If you do not, RTFM. The idea is not to execute the pointer. It is to LOAD the pointer into the gdtr.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:24 pm
by billion_boi
Since in the code i havent used thr LGDT instruction, or called the function that sets up the descriptors.... rather just set the limit and base adress in the pointer. Why or how is it that im running the GDT?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:26 pm
by jzgriffin
You're jumping to the address of the GDT pointer, where you've dw/dd'd some bytes. When the processor sees those bytes it tries to execute them as opcodes. You are trying to run data as code.