Interupt Problem
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:59 pm
Hey everyone,
I'm having a problem with interrupts. I have enabled interrupts (sti), initialized, remapped and unmasked the PIC, yet my interrupt handlers will not fire. If I call asm("int $0"); my divide by zero handler fires, and if I call asm("int $33"); my general interrupt handler fires and it calls the keyboard routine. But simply pressing keys does not work.
Here is my PIC configuration:
Any ideas or tips would be very helpful.
The below is included in case it is helpful.
Any ideas would be great
I'm having a problem with interrupts. I have enabled interrupts (sti), initialized, remapped and unmasked the PIC, yet my interrupt handlers will not fire. If I call asm("int $0"); my divide by zero handler fires, and if I call asm("int $33"); my general interrupt handler fires and it calls the keyboard routine. But simply pressing keys does not work.
Here is my PIC configuration:
Code: Select all
//tell PICs they are cascaded
outportb(0x20, 0x11);
outportb(0xA0, 0x11);
//normally IRQs 0 to 7 are mapped to entries 8 to 15.
//This does not work in protected mode, because IDT entry 8 is a
//double fault. Without remapping, every time IRQ 0 fires (timer),
//you would get a double fault exception
// We send commands to the PICs [aka i8259s] in order
//to make IRQ 0 through 15 be remapped to IDT entries to 32 through 47
outportb(0x21, 0x20);
outportb(0xA1, 0x28);
//set IRQ2 as connection to PIC slave
outportb(0x21, 0x04);
outportb(0xA1, 0x02);
//unmask all interrupts
outportb(0x21, 0x01);
outportb(0xA1, 0x01);
outportb(0x21, 0x0);
outportb(0xA1, 0x0);
The below is included in case it is helpful.
Code: Select all
void irqHandler(regs *state)
system.console<<endl<<"IRQ "<<state->intNum<<" fired."<<endl;
void (*handler)(regs *state);
handler = (void (*)(regs*))handlerIdt->irqHandlers[state->intNum - 32];
if (handler)
//if an irq then we need to send an EOI to the slave PIC
if (state->intNum >= 40)
outportb(0xA0, 0x20);
//Always send EOI to master PIC
outportb(0x20, 0x20);
push ds
push es
push fs
push gs
mov ax, 0x10
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov eax, esp
push eax
mov eax, _Z10irqHandlerP4regs
call eax
pop eax
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
pop ds
add esp, 8
push byte 0
push byte 32
jmp irqCommonStub
push byte 0
push byte 33
jmp irqCommonStub