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Writing to console

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:37 pm
by HLA91
HI guys
I am totally new to OS dev and I found an article on the web about making a simple OS ... 24959.html
I downloaded the attachment, compiled the OS and ran the ISO on my virtual pc and it went fine. I modified the kernel.c (code below) so that it printed an extra line saying goodbye, but it doesn't show up.
The code for kernel.c is below and kernel.h and screen.c are attached.

Code: Select all

#include "kernel.h"

int strlen(string str);
void dec2bin(dword decimal, int prefix);
void drawdesktop(byte ch, char fore, char back);
void drawwindow(string title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, char fore, char back);

void kernel(void) // kernel entry point
	drawdesktop(177, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
	drawwindow(" Simple OS Example - by Napalm ", 4, 4, 72, 16, COLOR_LTWHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
	putsnocr("Welcome to this example! ");
        /* I put another putsnocr line here but it didnt show up only "Welcome to this example" showed  */
	dword value = 0xDEADBEEF;
		// display value in decimal
		gotoxy(6, 9);
		dword decimal = value;
		char base[10];
		int i = 0;
		while(decimal > 0){
			base[i++] = '0' + (decimal % 10);
			decimal /= 10;
		while(i-- > 0) putch(base[i]);
		// display value in hex	
		gotoxy(6, 10);
		for(int i = 28; i > -1; i -= 4){
			byte nibble = ((value >> i) & 0x0F);
			if(nibble < 10) putch('0' + nibble);
			else putch('A' + (nibble - 10));
		// display value in binary
		gotoxy(6, 11);
		dec2bin(value, 32);

int strlen(string str) // simple string length
	string end = str;
	return (end - str);

void drawdesktop(byte ch, char fore, char back)
	// clear screen with foreground and background
	// and also with desired character
	settextcolor(fore, back);

// decimal to binary
void dec2bin(dword decimal, int prefix)
	dword j = 0;
	for(int i = prefix; i >= 0; --i, j = ((decimal & (1 << i)) >> i))
		if(prefix || j) prefix = putch('0' + j);

void drawwindow(string title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, char fore, char back)
	int xextent = (xpos + width - 1), yextent = (ypos + height - 1);
	// draw window
	for(int y = ypos; y <= yextent; y++){
		settextcolor(fore, back);
		gotoxy(xpos, y);
		if(y == ypos){ // draw top caption bar
			settextcolor(COLOR_LTYELLOW, COLOR_RED);
			for(int x = xpos; x <= xextent; x++){
				if(x == xpos) putch(213);
				else if(x == xextent) putch(254);
				else putch(205);
			gotoxy(xpos + ((width - strlen(title)) / 2), y);
		}else if(y < yextent){ // draw middle lines
			for(int x = xpos; x <= xextent; x++){
				if(x == xpos || x == xextent) putch(179);
				else putch(' ');
		}else{ // draw bottom edge
			for(int x = xpos; x <= xextent; x++){
				if(x == xpos) putch(192);
				else if(x == xextent) putch(217);
				else putch(196);
	// draw vertical shadow
	for(int y = ypos; y <= yextent; y++){
		gotoxy(xextent + 1, y + 1);
		settextcolor(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK);
	// draw horizontal shadow
	for(int x = xpos; x <= xextent; x++){
		gotoxy(x + 1, yextent + 1);
		settextcolor(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK);
	// position cursor inside window
	gotoxy(xpos + 2, ypos + 2);
	settextcolor(fore, back);
Can someone please tell me what is going wrong?

Thanks for your time


Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:23 pm
by xyjamepa
May be it's a stupid question ,but did you recompile your kernel?
and did you use the new kernel?
I mean after recompilation...

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:55 am
by HLA91
Yes I did and even I thought about that so I deleted all the files replaced them with the originals modified the kernel.c and then re-compiled but only the welcome on the first line showed.

Re: Writing to console

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:09 am
by jal
HLA91 wrote:Can someone please tell me what is going wrong?
I haven't got a clue. However, have you played with various putsnocrs? Changed the text of the first one, instead of adding another one? Removing the first one, see if the 'second' one is displayed? Etc.? It seems you've only added the line, saw it didn't work, and posted here.


Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:56 am
by HLA91
I have changed the text of the first one and it worked fine but when I tried to add another line it didnt work.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:59 am
by xyjamepa
I suggest you take a look at this
and then try to write your own code.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:55 pm
by HLA91
ahh ok thanks ill read through it and hopefully make my own, thanks for the link I should have searched a bit better.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:32 am
by codemastersnake
HLA91 wrote:ahh ok thanks ill read through it and hopefully make my own, thanks for the link I should have searched a bit better.
First of all the source code is lil' complex as compared there are lot more simpler kernels available on the Internet.

Plus it's good if you write your own kernel from the scratch. It's always helpful and you'll will learn a lot. More over by writing your own kernel you'll be able to find out bugs in your code more easily and won't get in to mess like you have been right now.

Best of luck with your OS.