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Post by zidane »

Does any1 know of any places where i can learn how to program FAT32 in asm?


Post by Anton »

Why do you wont to do it in asm? You'l have lots of problems this way(lot's of bugs and stuff). I should also note that asm is used to program i/o or time related stuff, but no one programs file systesm in asm(at least if there "normal", and don't go to a psychologist), sice the file system is one of the most critical(in terms of stability not speed) part of an OS. So, do it in C or even C++.


Post by jamethiel »

Sir, I must object to your assertion that an ASM implementation of FAT32 would have "lot's of bugs and stuff" (sic).

There is no reason why any half-competent ASM programmer could not write a stable implementation of a FAT32 filesystem driver. The format itself is reasonably well documented and manipulation of the FAT tables is pretty straightforward. Implementation is a straightforward engineering task with a well defined specification.

I also object to your categorization of people who write filesystems in ASM as going to a psychologist. And to your categorization of "normal" people as people who don't go to psychologists. That was simply uncalled for.

I'm not even going to bother objecting to your C/C++ language bias.



Post by Anton »

Only those parts of an OS, that can't bee ported, should be writen is asm(even if the OS is not intened to be ported). All other stuff, must be writen in C or maybe somewhat higher level languages. It's not a matter of " could not write a stable implementation "(yes it's possible, but it will take a lot more time and effort, compared to the same program in C), but it is a matter of good programing stile. Any body who writes file systems or stuff like that in asm, probaly thinks he/she can write better asm then a compiler generates. I doubt that. I mean that ofcourse a very proffesioanl programer can write a competitive program(but he/she probably, whont waste there time on a fs, they will do something more needed or like implement a couple of fs in C), but not an ordinary person.
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