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FDC Implementation

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:08 pm
by DeepOS
I've already read the OSdev wiki about it, and the links that the wiki gives, but I can't implement the source code examples, for examlpe, this code: ... torial.txt

Can anyone give me a source code or a guide that explain me how I code the FDC???


Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:50 pm
by xyjamepa
Why don't you try this?
just search the forum :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:55 pm
by Jef
download the source code of my OS.
It contains a FDC driver, if this helps you.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:23 pm
by astrocrep
That Mystran tutorial looks awesome....

I have been eyeing that for quiet some time... just not ready to start fdc coding yet.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:16 am
by Dex
If anyone need code for a none bios floppy driver in ASM, i have written a simple OS, that does nothing but goes to pmode and sets up a pmode floppy driver.
If so let me know and i will find it and upload it.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:54 pm
by os.hacker64
Dex wrote:If anyone need code for a none bios floppy driver in ASM, i have written a simple OS, that does nothing but goes to pmode and sets up a pmode floppy driver.
If so let me know and i will find it and upload it.
Are you working on another OS? Or just improving DexOS. From my look at DexOS, I wonder what you could do writing a Desktop OS. :D

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:28 pm
by xyjamepa
Yes would you please?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:36 pm
by Dex
Linux give me everything i need in a desktop OS, But i am alway building electronics projects and robots etc, and i used to use Dos, but i got tied of the 1 MB limit and segmention, plus the low graphics.
So i tried to find a modern pmode Dos like OS, and the only thing that came close was the Xbox, so i decided to code my own Xbox type OS, along with a team of coders. That what Dex stands for "Dos EXtreme".
Now all my robots are controled by DexOS and i even program pic's with it.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:18 am
by jal
Dex wrote:Now all my robots are controled by DexOS and i even program pic's with it.
That is rather cool.


Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:32 am
by Dex
abuashraf wrote:@Dex:
Yes would you please?
Sure, here is the demo that boots to Pmode and sets up a Pmode fdd.

Also here is just the fdd driver part (same as the one in the above), but it is much better commentated, also there notes to go with the per-do code from the "Intel floppy controller" PDF.

PS: If you want the write to floppy code, let me know and i will post it, as that demo, demos read floppy only, it 95% the same code as the write floppy.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:57 am
by xyjamepa
Dex wrote: PS: If you want the write to floppy code, let me know and i will post it, as that demo, demos read floppy only, it 95% the same code as the write floppy.
That would be great,thanks Dex.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:45 pm
by Dex
Just add this code, under the FddRead function

Code: Select all

 ; FddWrite               ; Pmode write  function ;
 ;                                                    ;
 ;   Input:                                           ;
 ;          CH  = Track/cylinder                      ;
 ;          CL  = Sector                              ;
 ;          DH  = Head                                ;
 ;          DL  = Drive (only A: drive used 00 )      ;
 ;                                                    ;
 ;  Output:                                           ;
 ;          AH  = Status                              ;
 ;          AL  = Sector number read                  ;
 ;          CF  = 0 If successful                     ;
 ;              = 1 If error                          ;
 ;                                             (100%) ;

	and   dh,00000001b
	mov   [Head],dh
	shl   dh,2
	mov   [DriveHead],dh
	mov   [FddErrorStatus],0x04
	cmp   ch,0x51
	jae   FddWriteErrorT
	mov   [cTrack],ch
	cmp   cl,0x13
	jae   FddWriteErrorT
	mov   [Sector],cl
	mov   [FddMTimer],0
	and   [FddMotorTimer0n],0
	test  [MotorOn],1
	jnz   @f
	call  FddMotorOn
	mov   dx,CcrReg
	mov   al,00000000b
	out   dx,al
	mov   [FddErrorStatus],0x80
	;call  FddRecalibrate
	;jc    FddWriteError
	xor    ecx,ecx
	mov    cx,3					
	call  FddReadWriteSeek				
	jnc   @f
	loop  @b
	jmp   FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,MsReg
	in    al,dx
	test  al,00100000b
	jnz   FddWriteErrorT
	Call  Setup_DMA2_Write
; 1. Write Sector Command
	call  FdcSendByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	mov   al,0xe5
	out   dx,al
; 2. Drive
	call  FdcSendByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	mov   al,[DriveHead]
	out   dx,al
; 3. Cylinder
	call  FdcSendByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	mov   al,[cTrack]				 
	out   dx,al
; 4. Head
	call  FdcSendByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	mov   al,[Head]
	out   dx,al
; 5. Sector
	call  FdcSendByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	mov   al,[Sector]				
	out   dx,al
; 6. Sector Size
	call  FdcSendByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	mov   al,0x02
	out   dx,al
; 7. Sectors to a track
	call  FdcSendByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	mov   al,0x12
	out   dx,al
; 8. Gap Length
	call  FdcSendByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	mov   al,0x1B				       
	out   dx,al
; 9. Data Length
	call  FdcSendByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	mov   al,0xFF
	out   dx,al
; Wait floppy int
	mov   [done],0
	call  WaitDone
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	call  FdcGetByteReady				
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg					
	in    al,dx
	mov   [ResultST0],al				
	call  FdcGetByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	in    al,dx
	mov   [ResultST1],al
	call  FdcGetByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	in    al,dx
	mov   [ResultST2],al
	call  FdcGetByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	in    al,dx
	cmp   [cTrack],al
	jne    @f
	mov   [ResultC],al
	call  FdcGetByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	in    al,dx
	mov   [ResultH],al
	call  FdcGetByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	in    al,dx
	mov   [ResultR],al
	call  FdcGetByteReady
	jc    FddWriteErrorT
	mov   dx,DtReg
	in    al,dx
	mov   [ResultN],al
	test  [ResultST0],11000000b			
	jnz   FddWriteErrorT
	mov   [FddErrorStatus],0x00			
	mov   ah,[FddErrorStatus]
	mov   al,[ResultR]
	mov   ah,[FddErrorStatus]