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cprint problem

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:15 pm
by os.hacker64
Ok, I have a function cprint, when I start up my kernel it is supposed to just print Kanu in red letters. What it does is display Kn plus some other weird character. I think it might be something with the character format fasm outputs but then why would it only display 3 chars instead of 4. I am assembling on linux and booting with grub.

PS. I'm using fasm and a flat binary format

PS2. is empty right now as I haven't gone to Long mode yet

Here is the code:

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:36 pm
by os.hacker64
Oops, I feel stupid, I needed to increment ctex twice. :D It works now by the way. :D On to long mode....