output function problem

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output function problem

Post by suthers »

I use the following code for output:

Code: Select all

	xor ax, ax
	mov ds, ax
	mov eax, screen_pos 	
 	or al,al	
 	jz .return	
	mov byte [ds:eax], al
	inc eax
	mov byte [ds:eax], 1Bh
 	jmp .nextchar	
	mov [screen_pos], eax
        screen_pos dd 0
It loads a character form the si registry into al and the prints it to the screen, it assembles without any error or warnings, but when i run it on vmware, it just restarts.
Can anybody tell me what is the cause of this error? (I am in protected mode by the way)
Thanks in advance,

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Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:01 pm

Post by mgarcia »

You are setting ds to 0, the null segment selector.
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